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EN 984 pdf free download

EN 984 pdf free download.Textile floor coverings – Determination of the mass per unit area of the use surface of needled floor coverings.
3 Principle The mass of a defined area of flat needled floor covering is determined before and after shearing off the use surface with a band knife. 4 Apparatus 4.1 Rule, graduated in millimetres. 4.2 Device to cut out test specimens of minimum dimensions (200 x 200) mm. NOTE Suitable devices are a die cutter and press, hand or electric knife or scissors. 4.3 Band knife machine enabling the use surface to be shorn off level with the substrate. 4.4 Balance, accurate to ± 0,01 g. 5 Sampling and preparation of test specimens For each sample, cut at least eight square specimens of minimum dimensions (200 x 200) mm so that their sides are respectively parallel to and perpendicular to the direction of manufacture of the needled floor covering following the procedure in ISO 1 957. 6 Conditioning Condition the test specimens in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles defined in EN 201 39 for a minimum of 24 h.
7 Procedure Shear one test specimen progressively until the substrate is visible and use it as a guide for shearing the other specimens. Weigh the remaining specimens to determine the mass, m 1 , to the nearest 0,01 g. Measure the dimensions of each test specimen in four places for each side to determine them to the nearest millimetre. Use the band knife to shear the use surface from each of the remaining seven test specimens. Shear progressively until the surface of the shorn test specimen shows approximately 50 % of the substrate (coating layer or resin) using the original test specimen produced as a guide. Select the five test specimens that appear to meet the 50 % substrate/50 % use surface fibre criteria and recondition them in the standard atmosphere to constant mass 1 ) . When the use surface layer of a pile needled floor covering consists originally of several layers of different colours that during manufacture are needled so as to form a visually uniform layer, this layer shall be treated as a single layer for the determination of the mass of the use-surface. The end point for shearing shall be a clearly visible different layer forming either the primary or the secondary backing. The primary backing may be a non-woven or a woven scrim and the secondary backing may be bitumen back, foam back etc. Weigh the five shorn test specimens to determine their mass, m 2 , to the nearest 0,01 g. If the coefficient of variation between the five specimens that most closely represent the specimen produced as a guide is more than 7 %, all seven specimens shall be used to calculate the mass of the use-surface.9 Test Report The test report shall contain the following information: a) a reference to this standard, i.e. EN 984; b) a complete identification of the product tested, including type, source, colour and manufacturer’s reference numbers; c) previous history of the sample; d) the mean value and coefficient of variation of the use surface mass/unit area; e) any deviation from this standard which may have affected the results. EN 984  pdf download.

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