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EN 50366 pdf free download

EN 50366 pdf free download. Household and similar electrical appliances – Electromagnetic fields – Methods for evaluation and measurement.
2 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). EN 60335 series, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety 3 Definitions For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply. 3.1 basic restriction restriction, based on established health effects, of exposure to time-varying electric fields and magnetic fields 3.2 reference level r.m.s. value of the magnetic field strength of homogeneous fields, derived from the basic restriction, to which a person may be exposed without adverse effects 3.3 measuring distance distance between the surface of the appliance and the closest point of the sensor surface 3.4 operator distance distance between the surface of the appliance and the closest point of the head or torso of the operator 3.5 hot spot localized area of high magnetic field due to irregularities of the field distribution 3.6 coupling factor factor taking into account the irregularities of the magnetic fields around appliances and the dimensions of a part of the human body 4 Measuring methods 4.1 Electric fields In general, there is no need to evaluate electric fields around household appliances. For most appliances, the electric field strength can be deemed to comply with the reference levels without testing. If electric fields are found to be relevant, a test method will be established. 4.2 Magnetic fields 4.2.1 Frequency range The frequency range considered is from 10 Hz to 400 kHz . NOTE 1 The methods of measurement for frequencies from 0 Hz up to 10 Hz are under consideration. The frequency range evaluated shall cover all frequencies of magnetic fields produced by an appliance, including a sufficient number of harmonics. If this is not feasible in one measurement, the weighted results of each measured frequency range shall be added. In the frequency range above 400 kHz, appliances are deemed to comply without testing. NOTE 2 The operating frequency of microwave ovens is covered by EN 60335-2-25 or EN 60335-2-90. 4.2.2 Measuring distances, sensor locations and operating conditions The measuring distances, sensor locations and operating conditions are specified in Annex A. 4.2.3 Magnetic field sensor Measurement values of magnetic flux density are averaged over an area of 100 cm² in each direction. The reference sensor consists of three mutually perpendicular concentric coils with a measuring area of 100 cm² ± 5 cm² to provide isotropic sensitivity. The outside diameter of the reference sensor is not to exceed 13 cm. For the determination of coupling factors, as specified in Annex C, an isotropic sensor having a measuring area of 3 cm² ± 0,3 cm² is used. NOTE The final value of the magnetic flux density is the vector addition of the values measured in each direction. This ensures that the measured value is independent of the direction of the magnetic field. 4.2.4 Measuring procedures for magnetic fields Appliances have at least one independent magnetic field source, each of which generates a fundamental frequency and possibly harmonics. The magnetic flux density is measured using the procedure in For appliances producing only line spectra, the procedure described in may be applied instead. The simplified procedure in may be used for appliances producing magnetic fields at mains frequency and its harmonics only. The magnetic flux density is measured using a suitable instrument. In case of doubt, the reference sensor specified in 4.2.3 is used. Transient magnetic fields with a duration of less then 200 ms, e.g. during switching events, are disregarded. If a switching action occurs during the measurements, the measurement has to be repeated.EN 50366 pdf download.

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