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EN 14056 pdf free download

EN 14056 pdf free download.Laboratory furniture – Recommendations for design and installation.
2 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). EN 1 2469, Biotechnology — Performance criteria for microbiological safety cabinets. EN 1 31 50, Workbenches for laboratories — Dimensions, safety requirements and test methods. EN 61 01 0-1 , Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use — Part 1 : General requirements (IEC 61 01 0-1 :2001 ). EN 1 41 75-2, Fume cupboards — Part 2: Safety and performance requirements. 3 Storage and handling Prior to installation, furniture should be stored in a secure space and steps should be taken to minimise the risk of damage or deterioration. Care should be taken in protecting furniture stored or installed in the laboratory before and during decoration and fitting out of the laboratory. Information given by the manufacturer should be followed. The adequacy of access to the laboratory and any temporary storage space should be checked. In difficult cases, scaffolded access through windows may be necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the following: a) door dimensions; b) stairways and landings; c) elevator load and dimensions; d) corridor dimensions, changes of corridor direction and potential obstructions. Information should be exchanged between the furniture supplier and the furniture installer about the space needed for moving the furniture into the laboratory. 4 Laboratory conditions for installation The furniture should not be installed if the air temperature or relative humidity in the laboratory to receive it is significantly different from that of its storage space. If furniture has to be installed before new building work has dried out, heating and dehumidification should be applied slowly over a number of days. Dehumidifiers should be used in preference to heaters. If heating only is applied, good ventilation is essential. Where mobile and relocatable furniture is to be installed, all surfaces, including those to be concealed by the furniture, should be decorated before installation. This minimise redecoration and making good at subsequent layout changes. It is recommended to complete decoration and floor coverings as far as possible before furniture is installed. Where furniture has already been installed, it should be protected effectively from following trades prior to handover. 5 Fixing floor- and wall-mounted furniture Fixed furniture items should be fixed to the floor or supporting wall by the method recommended by the manufacturer. Workbenches shall comply with EN 1 31 50. NOTE European standards for laboratory storage units and fume cupboards are in development. Floor-mounted bench substructures of the cupboard pedestal or leg frame type should include a provision for levelling the worktop. A similar provision should be included with wall-mounted furniture. Worktops should be provided with upstands in order that the junction with the wall is located above the general work surface. If floor covering is to be coved to the furniture, forming a continuous upstand to facilitate cleaning and decontamination, fixed floor furniture may need to be installed before floor covering is laid. When fixing laboratory furniture, care should be taken to facilitate cleaning.EN 14056  pdf download.

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