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EN 12186 pdf free download

EN 12186 pdf free download.Gas supply systems – Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution – Functional requirements.
3.1.2 competent person: A person who is trained, experienced and approved to perform activities relating to gas supply systems or installation pipework is approved. NOTE: Means of approval, if any, will be determined within each member country. 3.1.3 cavity wall: A wall formed from two layers such as brick or blockwork with a space between. 3.1.4 enclosed installation: A plant installed in an enclosed space (apart from any necessary ventilation apertures). 3.1.5 open-air installation: A plant installed in the open air, which may or may not be protected by a canopy. 3.1.6 separate building: A building which is detached from any other building and is used exclusively for the enclosed installation of gas pressure regulating and/or measuring equipment and ancillaries and can be accessed by personnel. 3.1.7 cabinet station: An enclosed space (apart from any necessary ventilation apertures), which is used exclusively to house gas pressure regulating and/or measuring equipment and ancillaries and is too small for access by personnel. 3.1.8 underground station: A space, partly or totally below ground level in which the gas pressure regulating and/or measuring equipment and ancillaries are installed.3.2.1 gas: The gaseous fuel, which is in a gaseous state at a temperature of 1 5 °C and under atmospheric pressure (1 ,01 3 25 bar absolute). 3.2.2 m under normal conditions: A quantity of gas which in a dry state occupies a volume of 1 m at a pressure of 3 3 1 ,01 3 25 bar absolute and at a temperature of 0 °C. 3.2.3 hazardous area: An area in which an explosive or flammable gas atmosphere is present, or may be expected to be present, in quantities such as to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of apparatus. 3.2.4 hazardous area zones: Hazardous areas are classified in zones based upon the frequency of the occurrence and the duration of a flammable atmosphere (see EN 60079-1 0). 3.2.5 component: Any item from which a gas supply system or installation pipework is constructed. A distinction is drawn between the following groups of components: – ancillaries; EXAMPLE 1 : Pressure regulators, valves, safety devices, expansion joints, insulating joints – pipes including bends made from pipe; – instrumentation pipework; – fittings. EXAMPLE 2: Reducers, tees, factory-made elbows, flanges, dome ends, welding stubs, mechanical joints. 3.2.6 inlet pipework: The connecting pipework through which gas enters the station. 3.2.7 main:The pipework in a gas supply system to which service lines are connected.3.2.8 outlet pipework: The connecting pipework through which gas leaves the station. 3.2.9 pressure regulating station: An installation comprising all the equipment including the inlet and outlet pipework as far as the isolating valves and any structure within which the equipment is housed, used for gas pressure regulation and over-pressure protection. 3.2.10 service line: The pipework from the main to the point of delivery of the gas into the installation pipework. 3.3 Pressure, design and testing 3.3.1 design factor ( f ): A factor applied when calculating the wall thickness or design pressure. o 3.3.2 design flowrate: Flowrate on which the design calculations are based. 3.3.3 design pressure (DP): The pressure on which design calculations are based. 3.3.4 pressure: The gauge pressure of the fluid inside the system, measured in static conditions. 3.3.5 operating pressure (OP): The pressure which occurs within a system under normal operating conditions. 3.3.6 maximum operating pressure (MOP): The maximum pressure at which a system can be operated continuously under normal operating conditions. NOTE : Normal operating conditions are: no fault in any device or stream. EN 12186 pdf download.

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