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EN 1052-3 pdf free download

EN 1052-3 pdf free download. Methods of test for masonry – Part 3: Determination of initial shear strength.
5 Materials 5.1 Masonry units 5.1.1 Conditioning of the units The conditioning of masonry units shall be as specified: Record the method of conditioning the masonry units prior to laying. Measure the moisture content by mass of autoclaved aerated concrete and calcium silicate units in accordance with EN 772-10. Record the age of non-autoclaved concrete units at the time of testing the masonry specimens. 5.1.2 Testing Determine the compressive strength of a sample of masonry units, using the test method given in EN 772-1. For non autoclaved concrete units determine the compressive strength at the time of testing the masonry specimens. 5.2 Mortar The mortar, its mixing procedure and its flow value shall conform with the requirements of EN 998-2, unless otherwise specified, and these shall be reported in the test report. Take representative samples of fresh mortar from the mason’s board to make mortar prism specimens, to determine the flow value in accordance with EN 1015-3 and to determine the air content in accordance with EN 1015-7. Use the prism specimens to determine the mean compressive strength at the time of testing the masonry specimens in accordance with EN 1015-11. 6 Apparatus The testing machines used to apply the shear loads and precompression shall comply with the requirements given in Table 1. The testing machine to apply the shear loads shall have adequate capacity but the scale used shall be such that the ultimate load on the specimen exceeds one fifth of the full scale reading. The machine shall be provided with a load pacer or equivalent means to enable the load to be applied at the rate specified. 7.2 Curing and conditioning of the specimens Immediately after building, pre-compress each specimen by an uniformly distributed mass to give a vertical stress between 2,0 × 10 -3 N/mm 2 and 5,0 × 10 -3 N/mm 2 . Then cure the specimens and maintain them undisturbed until testing. For other than lime based mortars, prevent the test specimens from drying out during the curing period by close covering with polyethylene sheet, and maintain the specimens undisturbed until testing, unless otherwise specified. Test each specimen at an age of 28 d ± 1 d, unless otherwise specified for lime based mortars, and determine the compressive strength of the mortar at the same age following EN 1015-11. 11 Test report The test report shall contain the following information: a) the number, title and date of issue of this European Standard; b) name of the testing laboratory; e) curing conditions (e.g. time, temperature, humidity); f) date of testing the specimens; g) description of the specimens including dimensions; h) descriptions of the masonry units and the mortar, preferably consisting of the appropriate test reports, securely attached, or of extracts taken from these reports; i) age of non-autoclaved concrete units at the time of testing the specimens; j) type of mortar and the mixing procedure of the mortar; k) the method of conditioning the units prior to the time of laying and for autoclaved aerated concrete and calcium silicate units the moisture content by mass; l) maximum load reached by the test specimens; m) mean compressive strength of the masonry units in N/mm 2 to the nearest 0,01 N/mm 2 and the coefficient of variation.EN 1052-3  pdf download.

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