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DIN EN 9223-103 pdf free download

DIN EN 9223-103 pdf free download.Programm-Management – Konfigurationsmanagement – Teil 103: Verifizierungen, Uberprifungen und Audits der Konfiguration.
The configuration verification shall:  assure that the design of the product guarantees the fulfilment of the specified requirements;  validate the completeness and the accuracy of the product configuration information;  assure the consistency between a product and its product configuration information;  guarantee that the configuration control process shall be able to maintain the fulfilment of the requirements and the consistency between the product and its configuration information during the remaining of the lifecycle;  guarantee that controlled configuration information is the basis for operational use, support, training, spare parts and repairs. Configuration verification uses the configuration audit technique, which consists in:  comparing defined characteristics in a configuration baseline to those presented by a realized and representative of to-be-delivered system, product or configuration item;  identifying and highlighting gaps;  obtaining an approved decision for each of them (concession or setting in conformity). As the programme flows however, a certain amount of data belonging to configuration information and some Configuration Management activities linked to the phase of programme flow down can be subject to verifications. These verifications are achieved during configuration audits and reviews that sequence the lifecycle. 4.3 Configuration audits: ending activity and starting point  the configuration audit is carried on a configuration item. That means it can exist at three levels: at system level, at product level and at configuration item lower level. It is a bottom-up approach: configuration audits for a system rely on the consolidation of the configuration audits for the products that make it up and themselves rely on configuration audits of the configuration items that make up these products;  in the scope of a product design, configuration audits will end the implemented Configuration Management activities and thus will contribute to the qualification process. Indeed, if configuration information is described in documentation, it must also be achieved in the physical product. At the end of the development of an item, the audit aims at assuring that there is no gap (or at least they are under control) between the actual product and its representation in documentation. So this audit guarantees that the performances and the physical characteristics can be reproduced all along the operational life of this product;  configuration audits are heavy-duty activities that should not be repeated. This does not mean that Configuration Management activities will end at this level. Particularly, control and status accounting activities will go on during the remaining of the lifecycle. These audits are meant to finalize the achievement of consistency between all the configuration baselines (FBL, ABL and PBL) at the end of the development phase and to show that the control process implemented allows maintaining this consistency without necessity for systematically redo complete configuration audits;  the configuration audit finalizes the identification activity through approval of configuration baselines. It becomes the starting point for configuration control activities;  in case of important changes in specifications and/or product design, there may be additional or new audit, especially for the following cases:  long life products;  obsolescence processing;  requirement for modernizing. 4.4 Configuration verification activities preliminary to the audits  Before performing verifications, a procedure shall be established. It describes:  conditions;  methods;  means;  additional resources;  the associated organization;  the scheduling of verifications and of the audit.  Configuration verification activities have to be planned making clear at which moment they occur, according to which process, and who will participate. DIN EN 9223-103 pdf download.

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