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BS EN ISO 3411 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 3411 pdf free download.Earth-moving machinery – Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope.
3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply (see figure 1). 3.1 small operator: Operator where only 5 % of the worldwide earth-moving machinery operator popu- lation is smaller than the dimensions given. 3.2 medium operator: Operator where 50 % of the worldwide earth-moving machinery operator popu- lation is smaller and larger than the dimensions given. 3.3 large operator: Operator where only 5 % of the worldwide earth-moving machinery operator popu- lation is larger than the dimensions given. 4 Physical dimensions of operators 4.1 General The physical dimensions of small, medium and large operators are given in figures 2 and 3 for standing and sitting operators respectively. The body pivot dimen- sions for small, medium and large operators are given in figure 4.NOTE 1 The dimensions of large and small earth-moving machinery operators were derived by combining national data to represent the worldwide operator population. Therefore a small number of the smallest and largest na- tional operators will be smaller or larger respectively than the 5th and 95th percentile worldwide operator population. Nominally 75 mm of vertical seat adjustment is recom- mended to accommodate these operators. See ISO 6682:1986, annex A. 4.2 Dimensions The dimensions given include an allowance for the height of shoes or boots and the thickness of work clothing. In the “large operator (arctic clothes)” col- umn in tables of figures 2, 3 and 4, the dimensions are of uncompressed clothing (except where the P- erator is seated) with heavy mittened hands and the head covered with parka hood. 4.3 Erect posture All dimensions are of an operator in an erect posture. A normal posture is ” slumped” and the dimensions will be slightly less: stature (1A) and overhead reach (2A) will be reduced about 15 mm, while sitting chest height (3A) and sitting eye height (3B) will be reduced about 25 mm.5 Minimum operator space envelope 5.1 The minimum operator space envelope is the interior dimension of the operator’s enclosure. The minimum recommended operating space envelope around the clothed operator for operator enclosures (cabs, ROPS, FOPS) is given in figure5 for a seated operator and in figure6 for a standing operator. The dimensions given relate to the seat index point (SIP), as defined in ISO 5353. The outline of the space envelope does not imply the shape of the enclosure. Potential adjustments to the minimum operator space envelope for particular ma- chine applications and constraints are givenin 5.3, 5.5 and 5.6. 5.2 The minimum operator space envelope is based on the large operator dimensions given in figures 2 and 3, and is measured to the interior surface without visible surface deformation of the operator enclosure.  5.3 The operator enclosure minimum space envel ope may be smaller than specified in figures 5 and 6 if it can be demonstrated that the reduced operator space envelope for a particular machine application allows for adequate operator performance. Potential modifications for the operator enclosure space envel- ope include, but are not limited to the following. 5.3.1 An operator enclosure minimum height of 1 050 mm from the SIP is recommended to accom- modate commonly used seats and provide clearance for an operator’s protective helmet. The operator en- closure minimum height can be reduced to 1 000 mm for machines used predominantly in appli- cations in which the operator normally does not wear a protective helmet. See ISO 5353 for details on SIP. 5.3.2 The enclosure height can also be adjusted for the following variations in seat configurations: a) 40 mm reduction without vertical seat suspen- sion; b) 40 mm reduction without vertical seat height ad- justment; c) adjustment for seat back rest angle greater than 15°. BS EN ISO 3411 pdf download.

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