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BS EN ISO 24026-1 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 24026-1 pdf free download. Plastics — Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) moulding and extrusion materials.
4 Designation system 4.1 General The designation system for thermoplastics is based on the following standard pattern.The designation consists of an optional description block, reading “Thermoplastics”, and an identity block comprising the International Standard number and an individual-item block. For unambiguous designation, the individual-item block is subdivided into five data blocks comprising the following information: Data block 1: Identification of the plastic by its symbol PMMA in accordance with ISO 1043-1 (see 4.2). Data block 2: Fillers or reinforcing materials and their nominal content (not included in this docu- ment) (see 4.3). Data block 3: Position 1: Intended application or method of processing (see 4.4). Positions 2 to 8: Important properties, additives and supplementary information (see 4.4). Data block 4: Designatory properties (see 4.5). Data block 5: For the purpose of alternative specifications, a fifth data block may be added contain- ing additional information. The first character of the individual-item block shall be a hyphen. The data blocks shall be separated from each other by commas. If a data block is not used, this shall be indicated by doubling the separation sign, i.e. by two commas (,,). 4.2 Data block 1 In this data block, after the hyphen, poly(methyl methacrylate) plastics are identified by the symbol “PMMA”, in accordance with ISO 1043-1. 4.3 Data block 2 This data block, employed to represent filler and/or reinforcing materials, is not used in this document. 4.4 Data block 3 In this data block, information about the intended application and/or method of processing is given in position 1 and information about important properties, additives and colorants in positions 2 to 8. The code-letters used are specified in Table 1. If information is presented in positions 2 to 8 and no specific information is given in position 1, the letter X shall be inserted in position 1. 4.5 Data block 4 4.5.1 General In this data block, the range of the Vicat softening temperature is represented by a three-figure code- number (see 4.5.2), the melt mass-flow rate by a three-figure code-number (see 4.5.3) and, optionally, the viscosity number by a two-figure code-number (see 4.5.4). The two (or three) code-numbers, are separated from each other by a hyphen. If a property value falls on or near a range limit, the manufacturer shall state which range designates the material. If subsequent individual test values lie on, or either side of, the range limit because of manufacturing tolerances, the designation is not affected. NOTE Not all the combinations of values of the designatory properties are available with currently offered polymers. 4.5.2 Vicat softening temperature The Vicat softening temperature shall be determined in accordance with ISO 24026-2. 4.5.3? Melt? flow? rate The melt mass-flow rate (MFR) shall be determined in accordance with ISO 24026-2. The possible values of the MFR are divided into 6 ranges, each represented by a three-figure code- number, as specified in Table 3. 4.5.4 Viscosity number (optional) If required, the viscosity number (VN) shall be determined in accordance with ISO 24026-2. The possible values of the viscosity number are divided into 6 ranges, each represented by a two-figure code-number, as specified in Table 4. 4.6 Data block 5 Indication of additional requirements in this optional data block is a way of transforming the designation of a material into a specification for a particular application. This may be done for example by reference to a suitable national standard or to a generally established specification.BS EN ISO 24026-1  pdf download.

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