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BS EN ISO 23387 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 23387 pdf free download. Building information modelling (BIM) — Data templates for construction objects used in the life cycle of built assets — Concepts and principles.
4 Data template structure — UML diagram Objects, collections and relationships are the basic entities of the model in ISO 12006-3:2007. A data template is a subset of this model, providing the concepts and relations needed to describe information about construction objects. This clause provides the general structure of a data template and how it is modelled in UML based on ISO/IEC 19505 (all parts). The UML diagram in Figure 1 provides the rules that apply to a data template established within a data dictionary based on ISO 12006-3:2007. The concepts used in the UML diagram are in accordance with ISO 12006-3:2007, whilst in this document some of the concept names have been modified to better fit with market terminology. Table 1 provides the link between the terminology in this document and ISO 12006-3:2007. The xtdRelSpecializes makes relations between properties and specializations of properties. The upper line refers to the abstract property, the lower line refers to its specializations. The names of the objects and collections according to ISO 12006-3:2007 are provided in brackets. The names of the relationships between objects and collections are provided only with names according to ISO 12006-3:2007. The reference document concepts can represent different instances of reference documents related to different concepts. E.g. the reference document related to a group of properties can be different than a reference document related to one of the properties that belong to this group of properties. The UML diagram supports dependencies between properties. This means that scenarios where a property value of one property is dependent on the value of another property, are supported. For this purpose, xtdRelComposes should be used as the relationship between the two properties. The diagram supports the relations between different data templates. This means the data structure allows for creating systems with components, e.g. a wall with products, an alarm system with components, a door with components etc. Relationships between different data templates should be made according to Table 2. The IFC schema contains entities with entity types, property sets with properties, and quantity sets with quantities that are implemented and used by BIM software tools. These parts of the IFC schema have been developed to support exchange of generic data about building elements. To enable support of local business needs, it is necessary to link the local business semantics to IFC. Data dictionaries and data templates support the description of any local business need, at any level of specific information need, and should therefore be used to describe the information needs in exchanges using IFC. This document describes one of the possible linking mechanisms, through creating relationship rules between IFC classes and data template concepts of relevance within a data dictionary based on ISO 12006-3:2007. As a prerequisite for this linking mechanism, IFC classes of relevance shall be established in a data dictionary, using objects, collections and relationships according to ISO 12006-3:2007. Table 3 provides IFC classes of relevance, the relationship used from ISO 12006-3:2007, and the data template objects of relevance: Figures 2 to 4 provide the same rules in UML. Objects and collections from the data template are linked to IFC classes of relevance using the relationship type xtdRelAssociates.BS EN ISO 23387 pdf download.

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