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BS EN ISO 21853 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 21853 pdf free download. Kite boarding – Release system – Safety requirements and test methods.
3? Terms? and? definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ 3.1 kite wing which generates an aerodynamic force and propels the user EXAMPLE A wing that uses wind. 3.2 kite boarding sum of the disciplines that can be performed with a kite (3.1) attached to the user with any kind of board in any kind of environment EXAMPLE Kite surfing, landboarding. 3.3 connection point equipment on the harness or similar means affixed to the user where the main release system (3.4) is attached 3.4 connecting link part which allows the rider to stay connected to the kite via the disconnecting release system after triggering the main release system EXAMPLE A leash. Test in accordance with 5.8. EXAMPLE An example for this is a 3D structure (such as an embossed or elevated arrow) on the surface, or a colour. The part of the release system which is used for triggering, i.e. the triggering element, shall have a contrasting colour to the other parts of the release system, predominantly (>50 %) in red on its visible surface. The other parts of the release system shall not be in contrasting colours to each other. The release system should be free from finger entrapments, squeeze and shear points. Edges that could come into contact with the user’s hands during use or handling and maintenance should not be sharp, e.g. deburred, broken, rolled or processed with comparable techniques. Test in accordance with 5.7. The space of activation shall not be restricted at any time by any part of the control system and by any part/component of the release system. NOTE This also relates to soft parts/components of the release system which could, while being gripped and used for triggering, deform and/or tilt and consequently obstruct the actual movement of triggering. While being triggered, no part/component of the release system should impact the user’s hands. 4.4 Handling 4.4.1 General It shall be possible to trigger the main release system by a first single action. It shall be possible to trigger the disconnecting release system it by a second single action. The action for triggering shall be ergonomically and kinematically suitable for the physiological movements of the user. It should be possible to trigger the main release system/disconnecting release system with garments, e.g. gloves. 4.4.2 Triggering force The force to perform the act of triggering shall be ≥20 N and ≤170 N. Test in accordance with 5.6.1 in relation to certain conditions (see,, 5.6.4, 5.6.5 and, if appropriate, 5.6.6). The release system shall not show signs of plastic deformation or of having been affected by the tests in any way that could provoke malfunction. 4.4.3 Release force It shall be possible to trigger the main release system and/or disconnecting release system with one hand only, without any load simulating the pulling force of the kite. Test in accordance with 5.5.2. 4.4.4 Duration of release The main release system and/or disconnecting release system shall be triggered in ≤2 s. Test in accordance with 5.6.1.BS EN ISO 21853  pdf download.

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