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BS EN ISO 18526-3 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 18526-3 pdf free download.Eye and face protection一Test methods.
6.2.3 Procedure The test shall be carried out as follows: Mount the test sample on the headform in accordance with the fitting information supplied by the manufacturer. Set the goniometric device to indicate 0° in the horizontal and vertical directions, with its axes of rotation passing through the right corneal vertex position of the headform. The angular setting of the goniometer shall be made with an uncertainty of measurement not exceeding 1°. Direct the laser beam so that it passes through the corneal vertex position of the right eye of the headform, along the horizontal line perpendicular to the facial plane of the headform. NOTE Laser source and detector position are interchangeable. Rotate the headform to the left about the vertical axis to the position where the edge of the lens or the mounting prevents half of the laser beam from reaching the corneal vertex position. This is the temporal field of view. Record the angle to the nearest degree. 一Repeat by rotating the headform to the right to establish the nasal field of view. Return the headform to the 0° setting in the horizontal. Rotate the headform down to establish the superior field, and up for the inferior field. Repeat for the left eye. For a protector fitted with a single lens to cover both eyes, the field to the right should be measured as the temporal field for the right eye, the field to the left should be measured as the temporal field for the left eye; the superior and inferior fields may be measured for either eye.6.3 Area to be protected一Assessment from the frontal direction 6.3.1 Principle This test is intended to demonstrate that the protector satisfies the frontal protection requirement by showing that there is no direct path from the front to the area to be protected. 6.3.2 Apparatus Headform, according to ISO 18526-4. Steel rod, 2 mm nominal diameter, (125土25) mm long with a flat, untapered, end. 6.3.3 Procedure The test shall be carried out as follows: -Mount the test sample on the specified headform ( in accordance with the information to be supplied by the manufacturer, if provided. -Mount the steel rod ([ horizontally and perpendicular to the line joining the corneal vertices. Probe to the limits of the area to be protected specified in the applicable product requirement standard, attempting to touch the surface of the headform. If the position of the test sample in front of the face of the headform is adjustable, carry out the assessment at the largest wearing distance for the specified headform.BS EN ISO 18526-3 pdf download.

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