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BS EN IEC 62041 pdf free download

BS EN IEC 62041 pdf free download.Transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products – EMC requirements.
7 Test equipment
The description of the measurement, the measurement instrumentation, the measurement
methods and the measurement set up to be used is given in Tables A.1 to A.16. 8 Conditions during testing
If the apparatus is part of a system, or can be connected to auxiliary apparatus, the apparatus shall be tested while connected to the minimum representative configuration of auxiliary apparatus necessary to exercise the ports in a similar manner to that described in CISPR 32.
In cases where manufacturer’s specification requires external filtering and/or shielding devices or measures that are clearly specified in the user’s manual, the measurement requirements of this document shall be applied with the specified devices or measures in place.
The configuration and mode of operation during the measurements shall be precisely noted in the test report. If the apparatus has a large number of similar ports or ports with many similar connections, a sufficient number shall be selected to simulate actual operating conditions and to ensure that all different types of determination are covered.
The measurements shall be carried out at one single set of parameters within the operating ranges of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure specified for the product and at the rated supply voltage, unless otherwise indicated in the basic standard.
Where applicable, additional information on EUT configuration can be found in CISPR 16-2 (all parts) and CISPR 32.
9 Measurement procedures
9.1 Emission
The equipment under test (EUT) shall be tested in the operating mode producing the largest emission in the frequency band being investigated, e.g. based on limited pre-tests and consistent with normal applications. The configuration of the test sample shall be varied to achieve maximum emission consistent with typical applications and installation practice.
The emission requirements for EUT covered by this document are given on a port by port basis. These requirements are stated in Tables A.9 to A.16.
Measurements shall be conducted in a well-defined and reproducible manner. The measurements may be performed in any order.
9.2 Immunity
The equipment under test (EUT) shall be tested in the expected most susceptible operating mode eg. identified by performing limited pre-tests. This mode shall be consistent with normal applications. The configuration of the test sample shall be varied to archive maximum susceptibility with typical applications and installation practice.
The immunity test requirements for EUT covered by this document are given on a port by port basis.
Tests shall be conducted in a well-defined and reproducible manner.
The tests shall be carried out individually as single tests in sequence. The tests may be performed in any order. If requirements are in conflict the most severe takes precedence.
The description of the test, relevant generator, appropriate methods, and the set up to be used are given in basic standards, which are referred to in Tables A.1 to A.8.
The contents of these basic standards are not repeated here, however modifications or additional information and test levels needed for the practical application of the tests are given in this document.
10 Performance criteria
The variety and the diversity of the EUT within the scope of this document makes it difficult to define precise criteria for the evaluation of the immunity test results.BS EN IEC 62041  pdf download.

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