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BS EN 9131 pdf free download

BS EN 9131 pdf free download. Aerospace series – Quality Management Systems – Nonconformance Data Definition and Documentation.
4 Requirements
4.1 Data related to the description of a nonconformity (i.e., content, format, size) shall be in accordance with the complete set defined in Annex A and the contractual requirements.
a) Mandatory data fields, identified in bold text and marked with an asterisk (9 shall be systematically recorded and reported to the customer.
b) Optional data fields shall be recorded, when required, provided that it is not in contradiction with contractual requirements.
NOTE 1 Any data field, whether mandatory or optional data, recorded and reported to the customer that is not applicable shall have N/A entered in the field, prior to final approval/signature.
NOTE 2 Customers may require different optional data fields be recorded and reported. It is therefore recommended that the Information Technology System be capable of defining optional data fields and/or inactivating data fields based on each customer’s recording/reporting requirements. This includes the capability of the Information Technology System to process with data types and data sizes specified in this standard.
NOTE 3 While this standard provides requirements that cover the development of forms or electronic systems, exceptions for use of the form or system are allowed as permitted by the customer. For example, where a process batch containing multiple part numbers is to be dispositioned together, the first part number and associated fields would be on the form and additional part numbers and those fields could be on an attachment (see 4.3).
4.2 The entities responsible for entering and approving/acknowledging nonconformity data (in particular disposition, category/classification of the nonconformity, and associated limitations) shall respond in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contractual or regulatory requirements.
4.3 Attached files should be in a protected format (e.g., pdf, tif, jpg), whenever possible. Where this is not practical, appropriate precautions shall be taken to prevent inadvertent changes to the attachments.
4.4 Where file sizes are constrained, a file size optimization tool should be used. If file compression is not capable of meeting file size constraints, the data exchange shall be agreed upon between both parties (e.g., via compact disk, USB flash drive, e-mail correspondence, direct access to data system).
4.5 When the description of a nonconformity is not required in an electronic format and/or is required as a printout, it shall be in a format similar to the example depicted in Annex B; however, the size and order of the fields may be changed to suit the individual application provided that
a) the contents of the boxes specified in this standard are maintained; alternatively a cross reference can be used,
b) the form is identified as a nonconformity record and
c) it complies with contractual/regulatory requirements.
4.6 When required, continuation/additional sheets and attachments shall include the same reference number as the original document.
NOTE Reference Annex A, the data fields ‘Nonconformity Description’ (see No. 19) and ‘Disposition’
(see No. 25) may be presented either as a summary or in a clearly defined sub-structure (see No. 19 a-i and
No. 25 a-e).
4.7 The forms may be pre-printed, computer generated, or accessed via a net-based system (intranet/internet), but in all cases, the printing of lines and characters shall be clear and legible. The details entered on the forms shall preferably be machine/computer printed, but may be handwritten as long as upper case letters are used and the document remains legible.
NOTE The use of abbreviations should be kept at a minimum.
4.8 The information shall be in English, but other languages may be acceptable (e.g., bilingual: English and native) when specified in the contract.
NOTE The use of abbreviations should be kept to a minimum.
5 Code catalog
The following codes are recommended for codifying affected processes, causes of process deviations, and corrections made to remedy the nonconformity. If codes are defined by a contract and/or the originators already have codes defined that satisfy their needs, these codes shall take precedence over those proposed in the following sections.
NOTE The following codes represent a minimum selection of possible variances. In case of needing additional code definitions (e.g., software, electronic, composites, structures), the tables can be enhanced by using the existing structure.BS EN 9131  pdf download.

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