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BS EN 60092-507 pdf free download

BS EN 60092-507 pdf free download.Electrical installations in ships – Part 507: Pleasure craft.
4 General requirements and conditions
4.1 Ratings
Conductors, switchgear and accessories shall be suitable for expected environmental and operational conditions and shall sustain anticipated overloads and transient current induced by motor start-up without damage, tripping or overheating.
4.2 Generators
The craft’s electrical power may be provided by a generator or batteries having sufficient capacity to supply the essential services at the same time (see note to 3.3). When a generator is used, the generator(s) shall be capable of supplying the essential services and simultaneously be capable of charging the batteries to 80 % charge within 10 h. Such batteries shall be provided to enable operation of the craft’s emergency lights, navigation lights and the VHF or SSB radio installation (if fitted), in the event of a generator failure. Such batteries shall have sufficient capacity to operate the navigation lights and radio for 3 h continuously in the event of failure of the generator(s). The continuity of supply should not be impaired by load-produced harmonic distortion or high load charges.
4.3 Ambient air and cooling water temperature
Electrical installations on craft intended solely for use in waters outside the tropical belt shall be suitable for an ambient air temperature of 45 °C maximum and —5 °C minimum and a primary cooling water temperature of 30 °C minimum.
NOTE When craft are expected to operate within the tropical belt special consideration should be given to the suitability of the electrical installation for the ambient air temperature and cooling water temperature.
4.4 Inclination of craft
Electrical equipment shall operate satisfactorily under normal conditions with the craft at the following inclinations from normal:
— for all craft:
• rolling: up to ±22,500;
• pitching: ±7,50°; and
— for sailing craft only: at a constant heel ±450.
NOTE In principle, electrical equipment should be capable of operating as designed with the vessel in the
maximum expected heel and pitch during normal operation.
4.5 Materials
Electrical equipment shall be constructed of flame-retardant, oil-resistant, moisture-resistant and UV-resistant materials which are not subject to deterioration either in the atmosphere, temperatures or UV-radiation to which they are likely to be exposed.
4.6 Voltage and frequency variations
Equipment shall function under the normal voltage and frequency variations and harmonic distortion which can occur in the distribution system in normal operation.
4.8 Electrical fittings and cables attached to structures of another metal
If electrical fittings are attached to structures of another metal, for instance aluminium, suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent galvanic corrosion.
4.9 Equipment enclosure and location
Electrical equipment shall have enclosures suitable for the location in which the equipment is installed (see clause 8). Ventilation shall be adequate to maintain the ambient temperature at or below the maximum at which the equipment is designed to operate. Enclosures for electrical equipment shall be mechanically strong and rigid, and mounted so that the equipment will not be affected by the distortion, vibration or movement of the craft’s structure that occur during normal operation of the craft.
4.10 Magnetic compasses
Conductors and equipment shall be placed at such a distance from the compass, or shall be so screened, that the interfering external magnetic field is negligible, causing a compass deviation of no more than 3O when the circuits are switched on or off under maximum load.
4.11 Electromagnetic compatibility
Electrical equipment for seagoing pleasure craft shall conform to IEC 60533 and IEC 60945.
Electrical equipment for small pleasure craft for inland waters shall conform to annex B or to the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility given in the relevant EN product standard (see notes I and 2). BS EN 60092-507  pdf download.

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