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BS EN 45559 pdf free download

BS EN 45559 pdf free download. Methods for providing information relating to material efficiency aspects of energy-related products.
4 Method for providing information on ME 4.1 General When planning the delivery of information on ME topics, added clarity and consistency can be gained by breaking down that information, namely: • The specific ME topic and the related content; • The target audiences that are likely to receive the information and the corresponding data sensitivity levels; • The means of communication and media best suited to deliver the information.4 Method for providing information on ME 4.1 General When planning the delivery of information on ME topics, added clarity and consistency can be gained by breaking down that information, namely: • The specific ME topic and the related content; • The target audiences that are likely to receive the information and the corresponding data sensitivity levels; • The means of communication and media best suited to deliver the information.NOTE An example of durability/lifetime requirements for certain lamps according to EU/1194/2012; Annex 3.1.2 [3] is shown in the figure. 4.2 ME topics and content 4.2.1 ME topics ME topics as proposed by standardization request M/543 [1] have been consolidated by the CEN-CENELEC EN standards in the numerical range of 45552 – 45558. With respect to the delivery of information, product publications shall determine which of the different ME topics are relevant or applicable to that product and the metrics associated to it, as below. • Durability: EN 45552, General method for the assessment of the durability of energy-related products [4]; • Ability to remanufacture: EN 45553, General method for the assessment of the ability to remanufacture energy-related products [5]; • Ability to repair, reuse and upgrade: EN 45554, General methods for the assessment of the ability to repair, reuse and upgrade energy-related products [6]; • Recyclability and recoverability: EN 45555, General methods for assessing the recyclability and recoverability of energy-related products [7]; • Proportion of reused components: EN 45556, General method for assessing the proportion of reused components in energy-related products [8]; • Proportion of recycled content: EN 45557, General method for assessing the proportion of recycled content in energy-related products [9]; • Use of critical raw materials: EN 45558, General method to declare the use of critical raw materials in energy-related products [10]. 4.2.2 Topic-related content The assessment of ME topics such as the ones listed in 4.2.1 is likely to generate different types of information to be communicated to one of more target audiences, either on a voluntary basis or to fulfil legislation. These will be referred to as “topic-related content” in this document. Topic-related content can have a qualitative nature (like repair information, test reports, etc.) or quantitative (%, mass, hours, etc.). In some cases, the topic-related content can also be used as an input to assess a ME topic. For example, in order to assess the reparability of a product as described in EN 45554 [6], the availability of specific information by some target audiences, such as information on the availability of spare parts or disassembly instructions, may be needed. EXAMPLE Examples of topic-related content are: • Lifetime of a product or product part in appropriate unit of time, cycles, or distance; 4.2.3 Documenting topic-related content Standardization documents involving ME topics, including the ones listed in Clause 4.2.1, shall include a clause with an overview of the specific topic-related content to be reported. Where needed, they will also include an overview of information necessary as input for the assessment of that specific ME topic.BS EN 45559  pdf download.

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