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BS EN 39 pdf free download

BS EN 39 pdf free download.Loose steel tubes for tube and coupler scaffolds — Technical delivery conditions.
4 Classification and designation 4.1 Classification In accordance with the classification system in EN 10020, the steel in Table 1 is classified as non-alloy quality steel. 4.2 Designation For the tubes covered by this European Standard the steel designation consists of: ? the number of this European Standard (EN 39); plus either: ? the steel name in accordance with EN 10027-1 and CR 10260; or: ? the steel number allocated in accordance with EN 10027-2. 5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 5.1 Mandatory information The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order: a) the quantity (mass or total length or number); b) the number of this European Standard (EN 39); c) the type (3 or 4) or specified wall thickness (mm); d) the standard length required (see 7.6.5); e) the options required (see 5.2).5.2 Options A number of options are specified in this European Standard and are listed below. In the event that the purchaser does not indicate a wish to implement any of these options, at the time of enquiry and order, the tube shall be supplied in accordance with the basic specification (see 5.1). 1) The type of tube, seamless or welded, shall be as specified (see 6.2). 2) The silicon content of range 1 shall be limited (see 7.2). 3) Approximate or exact length is specified (see 7.6.5). 4) A tighter tolerance on length is specified (see Table 2). 5) Specific inspection and testing is specified (see 8. 1). 6) An inspection document shall be supplied (see 8.2.1). 7) Depth of impression of marking to be at least 0,2 mm (see clause 12). 8) Tubes shall be supplied bare (see clause 13). 9) Temporary corrosion protection is specified (see clause 13). 10) Tubes shall be supplied painted, colour to be agreed (see clause 13).5.3 Examples of ordering EXAMPLE 1 One thousand tubes in accordance with EN 39 with a specified wall thickness of 3,2 mm (type 3) in 6,0 metre standard lengths, supplied bare (option 8) and with temporary corrosion protection (option 9). 1 000 tubes –EN 39 – 3,2 – 6,0 – Options 8 and 9. EXAMPLE 2 48 tonnes of tube in accordance with EN 39 type 4 (4,0 mm specified wall thickness), supplied in 6,4 metre standard lengths and with an inspection document 2.2 according to EN 10204 provided (option 6). 48 tonnes tube – EN 39 – 4 – 6,4 – Option 6 – 2.2. 6 Manufacturing process 6.1 Steelmaking process The steelmaking process is at the discretion of the manufacturer. The steel shall be killed. 6.2 Tube manufacture The tubes shall be made seamless or welded, at the discretion of the manufacturer unless option 1 is specified. Option 1 tubes shall be supplied seamless or welded the type to be specified by the purchaser. Finished welded tubes shall not include welds used for joining together lengths of the hot or cold rolled strip prior to forming.7 Requirements 7.1 General When manufactured in accordance with clause 6 and inspected in accordance with clause 8, the tube shall conform to the requirements of this European Standard. In addition to the requirements of this European Standard, the general technical delivery requirements specified in EN 10021 shall apply. 7.2 Chemical composition and mechanical properties The tube shall meet the requirements for chemical composition and mechanical properties given in Table 1. The cast analysis reported by the steel producer shall apply. The silicon content shall be within either range 1 or range 2 (see Table 1) unless option 2 is specified. Option 2 the silicon content in range 1 shall be limited to 0,04 % maximum. BS EN 39  pdf download.

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