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BS EN 233 pdf free download

BS EN 233 pdf free download. Wallcoverings in roll form — Specification for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings.
5 Specifications 5.1 General The dimensions specified for the three categories of covering shall be measured in accordance with the requirements of EN 12956. See Annex A. 5.2 Dimensions 5.2.1 General This applies to the usable dimensions of the product. 5.2.2 Category 1 The area of the roll shall be 5,326 m 2 ± 3 %. The nominal width and length of a roll shall be marked. The actual width and length shall not deviate from the nominal values by more than 1,5 %. The nominal width shall be not less than 500 mm and not greater than 530 mm. 5.2.3 Category 2 The nominal width and length of a roll shall be marked. The tolerance on the actual width and length shall be ± 1,5 %. The nominal width shall be not less than 600 mm. 5.2.4 Category 3 (friezes) The nominal length of a roll shall be marked. The tolerance on the actual length shall be ± 1,5 % in the case of roll of length not less than 10 m, otherwise ± 3 %. The nominal width shall be not less than 32 mm and not greater than 500 mm 5.3 Straightness and parallelity of the edges The straightness and parallelity of the edges shall be measured in accordance with the requirements of EN 12956. The edges of the roll shall be straight and parallel over its entire length, with the following tolerances: — straightness: over any 1 m length, the edges shall not deviate more than 1 mm from straight; — parallelity: the 3 width measurements taken in accordance with the requirements of EN 12956 shall not differ by more than 1 mm. 5.4 Spongeability For a wallcovering claimed to be spongeable, it shall be possible to wipe off the hanging adhesive while it is still damp from the front face of the wallcovering with a damp cloth or sponge without causing visible damage. Accordingly, a wallcovering subjected to the spongeability test described in EN 12956 shall exhibit no damage or change likely to alter its appearance as a wallcovering. This symbol indicating this ‘spongeable’ level shall be as given in EN 235. 5.5 Washability If a wallcovering is claimed to be washable during its life after hanging, it shall be qualified as ‘washable’, ‘extra-washable’ or ‘scrubbable’ according to its grade of washability. When tested under the test conditions specified for each level of washability by EN 12956, a wallcovering shall exhibit no damage or change Iikely to alter its appearance as a wallcovering compared with the reference sample. The symbols indicating the washability levels shall be as given in EN 235. 5.6 Colour fastness to light The numerical rating for colour fastness to light shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 105-B02 at a relative humidity of 60 % to 70 % and a maximum black panel temperature of 45 °C. A wallcovering conforming to this standard shall have a rating of not less than 4. The symbols illustrating the levels of colour fastness to light shall be as given in EN 235. 5.7 Maximum migration of heavy metals and certain other elements 5.7.1 Test method The test method shall be method A of EN 12149. 5.7.2 Requirements The migration of heavy metals and specific elements, expressed as mg/kg of wallcovering, shall not exceed the values in Table 1. 5.7.3 Interpretation of results The analytical results obtained from the tests specified in EN 12149 shall be corrected by subtracting the value of the analytical correction factors given in Table 2 in order to obtain a corrected analytical result. Wallcoverings shall be considered to meet the requirements of this European Standard if the corrected analytical result does not exceed the limits indicated in Table 1. NOTE Given the precision of the methods specified in this European Standard, it is necessary to use the corrected analytical result to take into account the results of interlaboratory tests.BS EN 233 pdf download.

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