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BS EN 2000 pdf free download

BS EN 2000 pdf free download.Quality assurance — EN aerospace products — Approval of the quality system of manufacturers.
3 Definitions 3.1 EN aerospace products those parts, materials and processes which comply with the relevant EN aerospace standards 3.2 manufacturer company or organization manufacturing EN aerospace products 3.3 user body which uses EN aerospace products and is fully responsible for their quality3.4 mandated body body designated by AECMA-CERT and tasked with assessing the manufacturer’s quality system against the requirements of ISO 9002 3.5 quality 2) the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs 3.6 quality system 2) the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management 3.7 quality management 2) that aspect of the overall management function that determines and implements the quality policy 3.8 quality policy 2) the overall quality intentions and direction of an organization as regards quality, as formally expressed by executive management 3.9 approval of a manufacturer’s quality system act by which AECMA-CERT recognizes that the manufacturer has implemented a quality system complying with ISO 9002 for the continuous production of EN aerospace products 3.10 product qualification act by which it is demonstrated that a product complies with the requirements of the EN standard defining it 3.11 approval certificate a serialized document in which AECMA-CERT certifies that the manufacturer’s quality system complies with ISO 9002 4 Requirements The quality system of the manufacturer shall meet the requirements of ISO 9002. 5 Procedures 5.1 The manufacturer wishing to be approved shall write to AECMA-CERT, and specify: — the description of the products he wishes to manufacture and the reference of the corresponding EN standards; — the names of aerospace companies wishing to purchase these products from him. To this request shall be attached: — a general presentation of the company (organization, products manufactured, manpower, facilities …); — the company quality manual, or equivalent document; — the list of approvals or qualifications already granted, and, if any, information about the results of evaluations already performed. 5.2 After examination of the information specified in 5.1, AECMA-CERT shall send a request for evaluation to the mandated body, together with any relevant information. 5.3 After having carried out the evaluation, the mandated body shall write a report, and forward it to the manufacturer and to AECMA-CERT. This report shall include at least: — a judgement on the quality system: strong and weak points, deviations from ISO 9002; — a judgement on the organization and manpower, and on the facilities implemented for the intended manufacture of the products. The mandated body shall also prepare a recommendation for: — approval or rejection of the quality system, — required corrective actions. This shall be distributed to AECMA-CERT only. 5.4 After consideration of this report, AECMA-CERT shall decide whether or not to grant the manufacturer the approval certificate for his quality system, specifying each of the places of manufacture, and the family of products it refers to. The user shall appreciate whether the organization which granted approval and the rules to which they conformed, as well as the evidence produced by the manufacturer, are satisfactory to him, taking into account his contractual committments and/or his legal obligations. If this is not satisfactory to him, the user may conduct or have conducted on his behalf, a complementary evaluation. 5.5 In case of dispute, appeal can be made to the AECMA-CERT appeal committee. BS EN 2000 pdf download.

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