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BS EN 17358 pdf free download

BS EN 17358 pdf free download.Intelligent transport systems – ESafety – eCall OAD for multiple Optional Additional Datasets.
5 Conformance
The conformance requirements for this document are simply that the OAD conforms to EN 16072 and either the provisions of EN 16062 in respect of eCall using 2G/3G, or CEN/TS 17184, CEN/TS 17240 in the case of packet switched networks using IMS, and that the total length of the MSD, including this OAD, if used, remains 140 bytes.
6 Requirements
6.1 General
This document describes an addition to the standard EN 15722 for the coding of the MSD message. All requirements from EN 15722 shall be met in respect of this additional OAD.
6.2 Concepts and formats
6.2.1 MSD data concepts
The MSD as defined in EN 15722 is a direct, timely message to the PSAP operator receiving the emergency call.
The MSD has an optional additional data block that may be used to add information elements containing information about the vehicle involved.
The information elements in the additional data block of the MSD will have been selected on the basis of their relevance in an emergency rescue situation and shall in any event only be provided in accordance with European Union and National privacy regulations pertaining at the time of the transfer of any such personal data and in accordance with the provisions of EU 2016/679 ‘General Data Protection Requirements’.
6.2.2 Representation of MSD data concepts
The MSD is represented in ‘Abstract Syntax Notation’ (ASN.1J using the ‘Unaligned Packed Encoding
Rules’ (UPER) as defined in ISO/IEC 8825-2 using the ASN.1 definitions defined in Annex A of
EN 15722:2020. The message shall be sent in the sequence defined in that same annex.
This additional OAD shall also be defined following the provision made in above named annex.
6.2.3 Distribution of MSD data
The MSD shall be transmitted and formed as described in EN 15722, which also means that the maximum length of the overall MSD shall not exceed 140 bytes.
6.2.4 Multi-OAD optional additional data concept ‘Object Identifier’
The object identifier uniquely identifies the format and meaning of the data which follows in the optional additional data concept.
Both the syntax of the data structure and the semantic meaning of the content is referenced via this identifier so that it can be usefully applied.
The uniqueness of each specific relative identifier is ensured by a specific international standardization body, and maintained in a data registry operated in accordance with EN ISO 24978 [1]. These identifiers are all relative to a specific root. And the root of all eCall relative OlD’s shall be the same.
eCall has been allocated the OlD 1.0.14817.106.2.1. Within this, arc ‘.2’ has been defined to contain ‘Optional Additional Data concepts’. The OlD for this deliverable shall be 1.0.14817.
The OlD for ‘Optional Additional Data concepts’ (1.0.14817. is fixed and shall not be transmitted over the air as part of the optional additional data. The MSD data element ‘oid’ is defined as RELATIVEOlD and shall contain 3.1.
For further detail regarding the use of OlDs in eCall, see EN 15722.
6.2.5 Multi-OAD optional additional data concept ‘data’
The objective of this Multi-OAD data concept is to make it possible for an MSD to contain more than one OAD. The combination of these contained OADs serves to provide the PSAP with more relevant data concerning the vehicle transmitting the MSD.
The data concept defined herein will, as such, not itself contain any relevant data, its sole objective is to enable multiple OADs to be concatenated within the MSD, and its overhead is kept as limited as possible. Combining OADs using the Multi-OAD concept involves additional checking to avoid the complete MSD exceeding the maximum allowed number of bytes (140), as specified in EN 15722.
6.3 Contents of the ‘Minimum Set of Data’ (MSD)
6.3.1 Context
The following subclauses provide the definition of the minimum set of data that shall be sent from the vehicle in case of an emergency call.
6.3.2 Basic contents of MSD
Table 1 provides a summary of the semantic contents of the MSD, for a full description please refer to  EN 15722.BS EN 17358  pdf download.

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