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BS EN 17344 pdf free download

BS EN 17344 pdf free download. Agricultural machinery一Self-propelled agricultural and forestry vehicles一Requirements for braking.
4 Construction requirements
4.1 Braking components and braking surfaces
4.1.1 For the purpose of this document, the brake, all mechanical parts of the transmission and the control device, hereafter called ‘braking equipment’ shall not be regarded as liable to breakage if they are amply dimensioned, readily accessible for maintenance and exhibit safety features at least equal to those prescribed for other essential components (such as the steering system).
4.1.2 The braking equipment shall be designed, constructed and fitted, so that it is capable of withstanding the stresses arising during normal operation for which the vehicle is designated it.
4.1.3 Brake linings shall not contain asbestos.
4.1.4 Unless otherwise specified, it is not permitted to fit any adjustable valves that would allow the performance of the braking system to be changed by the user of the vehicle such that, in service, it falls outside the requirements of this document. An adjustable valve that can only be operated by the manufacturer through the use of special tool or the provision of a tamper proof seal or both shall be permitted provided that the user of the vehicle is not able to adjust this valve, or that any user modification is readily identifiable.
4.1.5 For Class IV vehicles, the wear of the service brakes shall be compensated by means of a system of automatic adjustment. In addition, the control device and the components of the transmission and of the brakes shall possess a reserve of travel and, if necessary, suitable means of compensation such that, when the brakes become heated or when the brake linings have reached a certain degree of wear, effective braking shall be ensured without immediate adjustment being necessary.
4.1.6 It shall be possible for the wear of the service brakes to be compensated by means of a system of manual or automatic adjustment. It shall be possible to easily check this wear on service brake linings from the outside or underside of the vehicle, utilizing only the tools or equipment normally supplied with the vehicle, for instance, by the provision of appropriate inspection holes. Alternatively, acoustical or optical devices warning the driver at his driving position when lining replacement is necessary are acceptable.
4.1.7 The requirements of point 4.1.6 are not applicable to oil immersed brakes which are designed for a long life in the vehicle without servicing.
4.2 Functions of the braking system and the basic requirements
4.2.1 Service braking system: It shall be possible to graduate the service braking system action. The driver shall be able to achieve this braking action from his driving position without removing his hands from the steering control device or with one hand on the steering control device and the other on the stepless drive control device. The service braking system can be one of the following braking systems, as declared by the manufacturer:
— a mere friction braking system;
— a combination friction braking system;
— a combination stepless drive braking system;
— a mere stepless drive braking system.BS EN 17344  pdf download.

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