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BS EN 17213 pdf free download

BS EN 17213 pdf free download. Windows and doors – Environmental Product Declarations – Product category rules for windows and pedestrian doorsets.
5 General aspects 5.1 Objective of this PCR An EPD according to this document provides quantified environmental information for a window or pedestrian doorset using a uniform and scientific basis. It also provides information on health related emissions to indoor air, soil and water during the use stage of the building. The purpose of an EPD in the construction sector is to provide the basis for assessing building and other construction works, and identifying those which cause less stress to the environment. Thus, the objective of this complementary PCR is to ensure:  the provision of verifiable and consistent data for an EPD, based on LCA; the provision of verifiable and consistent product related technical data or scenarios for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings;  the provision of verifiable and consistent product related technical data or scenarios potentially related to the health of users for the assessment of the performance of buildings; that comparisons between doorsets/windows are carried out in the context of their application in the building;  the consistent communication of the environmental information of door sets and windows. Declarations based on this document are not comparative assertions. NOTE See EN 15804:2012+A1:2013, 3.4 and EN ISO 14044:2006, 5.3 for more information concerning LCA used for comparative assertion.6.2.7 D, Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary, information modules EN 15804:2012+A1:2013 shall apply. 6.3 Calculation rules for the LCA 6.3.1 Functional unit The functional unit shall be defined in accordance with the declared unit as derived in 6.3.2 and with a reference service life as derived in accordance with 6.3.3. In order to facilitate building calculation, it is considered good practice to provide the technical characteristics for the product relevant for the use stage. For windows and doorsets this would be, e.g. thermal transmittance and radiation properties. If such characteristics are given, they shall be developed in accordance with the relevant harmonized product standards. For windows and doorsets, while the declared characteristics developed in accordance with the relevant harmonized product standards are important, they need to be considered in the context of the building. Such parameters are strongly influenced by factors such as the size and orientation of the product and the local climate. These factors are not always incorporated into the data from product standards. For example, the declaration of performance may be based on a “standard” size, which may differ from the performance of the actual size installed. See Annex A for guidance for defining representative products within a product series.6.3.3 Reference service life (RSL) The RSL can only be declared where all scenarios for Modules B1-B5 have been provided. An RSL of up to 30 years may be assumed for products covered by the scope without documentation. This is on the basis that the installation, maintenance and servicing of the product follows the relevant guidance of the manufacturer. NOTE 1 A product lifetime of between 30 to 40 years is commonly accepted and reported historically (e.g: LOT 32/Ecodesign of Windows Products, Task 2 – Market Analysis, 3 June 2015, Section 4.4.2). If using an RSL between 31 and 50 years, documentation to support the RSL used shall be included, in accordance with EN 15804:2012+A1:2013, Annex A. This documentation should include information on the installation instructions and the maintenance and servicing recommendations for the product (e.g. relevant guidance of the manufacturer). If using an RSL above 51 years, the RSL shall be justified with additional documentation, by including information on the expected performance and availability of spare parts (e.g. supplier guarantees) and information on the installation instructions and the maintenance and servicing recommendations for the product (e.g. relevant guidance of the manufacturer), in accordance with EN 15804:2012+A1:2013, Annex A. NOTE 2 B.2.4 provides guidance on the RSL for the repair of components (module B3), including electrical parts for automated blinds and shutters. If the product contains at least one IGU, changing the IGU at least once every 31 years shall be included in Module B. NOTE 3 Due to a decrease in performance of the IGU over time (see EN 1279-2].BS EN 17213 pdf download.

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