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BS EN 17085 pdf free download

BS EN 17085 pdf free download.Paper and board – Sampling procedures for paper and board for recycling.
4 Principle
The aim of this standard is the extraction of a randomized subset representative of the material forming the lot.
The procedures described in this European Standard provide a representative sample used to technically describe the material under consideration:
— For lots of loose material, this standard describes a methodology of repeated sub-division to arrive at a macro-sample.
— For lots formed from baled material, this standard describes a methodology for sampling individual randomly selected bales to form a representative macro-sample.
The sampling procedures also define a procedure for obtaining the micro-sample from the macro- sample. Where appropriate equipment exists, the micro-sample may be directly obtained from the bale or to measure the parameters in situ.
5 Sampling
5.1 Frequency
Where a lot is considered in isolation (e.g. a single delivery), a minimum of two samples per lot shall be extracted for analysis.
Where a lot forms a part of an ongoing supply arrangement, a minimum of one sample per lot shall be extracted for analysis, but may be increased to more samples as agreed between supplier and buyer or as required by legislation.
In the case of recurring non-compliances from a single source of supply, increasing the sampling frequency should be considered.
5.2 General guidance
The default size of the macro-sample shall be at least 150 kg and this shall be used where no additional agreement exists.
The size of the macro-sample depends on the size of the individual pieces within the sample, which is typically determined by the target grade, and under certain circumstances, a smaller macro-sample may be used. Circumstances that permit a smaller macro-sample are:
1) an agreement between all parties concerned with the testing of the lot under examination;
2) a scientifically derived reduced macro-sample size, accepted as being representative of specific grades. Accepted reduced macro-sample sizes are given in Table 1.
If sampling according to the procedure described in the main body of this standard is impossible, impracticable or inappropriate, sampling should be carried out in the best possible manner for the purpose concerned or according to criteria agreed upon by all parties in the value chain.
When a sample is taken for subsequent testing, the sampling procedure shall be documented. A detailed description of the sampling procedure shall accompany the sample to the test laboratory and shall be included in the test report.
If a sample is submitted for testing in a situation where the sampling procedure is unknown or where the sample is isolated so that there is no sampling procedure, this shall be recorded in the test report.
The paper and board for recycling intended for sampling shall be kept separate from any other material. This shall be done in a clean, dry area that has been cleared of all other material (or in an appropriate storage bay). Care shall be taken to prevent spoiling of the sample with materials from other sources. No picking from the material shall occur prior to the sample being taken.
5.3 Loose material
As a precursor to the analysis of loose material, a representative macro-sample shall be extracted from the lot. The material shall be randomized to ensure representative sampling. An example approach would be to tip (discharge) the load onto the floor and mix it with a loading shovel, or similar equipment. This can be achieved by separating a proportion of the material (approximately four times greater than the required sample size) and lifting it up and dropping it back on the floor at least twice using a loading shovel. This will help redistribute unwanted materials that have settled to the bottom of the load. A push wall will help with the mixing process.BS EN 17085  pdf download.

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