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BS EN 15004-1 pdf free download

BS EN 15004-1 pdf free download. Fixed firefighting systems – Gas extinguishing systems.
4 Use and limitations 4.1 General Throughout all the parts of EN 15004, the word “shall” indicates a mandatory requirement; the word “should” indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required. The design, installation, service and maintenance of gaseous fire-extinguishing systems shall be performed by those competent in fire extinguishing system technology. Maintenance and installation shall only be done by qualified personnel and companies. The hazards against which these systems offer protection, and any limitations on their use, shall be contained in the system supplier’s design manual. Total flooding fire-extinguishing systems are used primarily for protection against hazards that are in enclosures or equipment that, in itself, includes an enclosure to contain the extinguishant. The following are typical of such hazards, but the list is not exhaustive: a) electrical and electronic hazards; b) telecommunications facilities; c) inflammable and combustible liquids and gases; d) other high-value assets. For the purposes of this document, the term “bar” shall be taken as “gauge”, unless otherwise indicated. Concentrations or quantities expressed in percentages (%) shall be taken as by volume, unless otherwise indicated. 4.2 Extinguishants 4.2.1 General Any agent that is to be recognized by this part of EN 15004 or proposed for inclusion in this part of EN 15004 shall first be evaluated in a manner equivalent to the process used by the US. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) SNAP Programme or other internationally recognized extinguishing agent approval institutions. The extinguishants referred to in this part of EN 15004 are electrically non-conductive media. The extinguishants and specialized system parameters are each covered individually in the parts of EN 15004 for specific extinguishants. These parts shall be used in conjunction with this part of EN 15004. Unless relevant testing has been carried out to the satisfaction of the authority, the extinguishants referred to in the specific parts of EN 15004 shall not be used on fires involving the following: a) chemicals containing their own supply of oxygen, such as cellulose nitrate; b) mixtures containing oxidizing materials, such as sodium chlorate or sodium nitrate; c) chemicals capable of undergoing autothermal decomposition, such as some organic peroxides; d) reactive metals (such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium and zirconium), reactive hydrides, or metal amides, some of which may react violently with some gaseous extinguishants; e) environments where significant surface areas exist at temperatures greater than the breakdown temperature of the extinguishing agent and are heated by means other than the fire. 4.2.2 Environmental properties Global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depletion potential (ODP) values applicable to the gaseous extinguishing agents are detailed in EN 15004-2 to EN 15004-10. NOTE GWP is a measure of how much a given mass of gas is estimated to contribute to global warming. The scale is a relative comparison on a mass basis where a clean agent is compared to carbon dioxide, which has a GWP equal to 1. ODP provides a relative comparison of the ability to react with ozone at altitudes within the stratosphere. ODP values are reported relative to the same mass of CFC-11, which has an ODP equal to 1. BS EN 15004-1 pdf download.

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