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BS EN 14134 pdf free download

BS EN 14134 pdf free download. Ventilation for buildings – Performance measurement and checks for residential ventilation systems.
5.3 Sampling Checks and measurements for ventilation systems of the same type (example of types are natural ventilation, unidirectional ventilation or bidirectional ventilation] within apartments belonging to the same building or within houses belonging to the same housing estate can be performed on a sample of these apartments or houses. NOTE The basic assumption behind the authorization for sampling is that ventilation systems that belong to such groups (same type and same building or same housing estate) and that are considered together for the purpose of measurement and checks (for example because of same owner or same general contractor or same installer) have enough similarities to make sampling relevant. The sample size depends on the selected sampling level and the total number of apartments or houses of the considered group. Table 2 gives the sampling error for each sampling level for a level of confidence of 95 %. Table 3 gives the sample size as a function of the total number of apartments or houses for each sampling level. For total numbers of apartments or houses that are not in Table 3, the sample size is calculated using Formula (1). NOTE Details of the formula can be found in “Theory and problems of statistics” (confidence intervals for proportions) by M.R. Spiegel edited by Schaum’s Outlines (ISBN 0-07-060281-6). By default, the sampling level is SL1. Different sampling levels may be selected for different types of checks or measurements. Checks or measurements at the same sampling level shall be carried out within the same sample. EXAMPLE 1 Sampling level SL3 is chosen for flow measurements and pressure measurements. In this case these two types of measurement are performed on the same sample. Smaller samples shall only include apartments or houses from larger samples. EXAMPLE 2 Sampling level SL3 is chosen for flow measurements and sampling level SL4 is chosen for acoustic measurements. In this case the sample for acoustic measurements is chosen within the sample for flow measurements. Sampling is not applicable for checks and measurements within a single house or apartment. EXAMPLE 3 An apartment with 10 air terminal devices is part of a sample for flow measurements. In this case, all 10 air terminal devices are measured whatever the sampling level.6 Pre-check
6.1 General
The aim of the pre-check is to collate and assess all relevant documentation relating to the building and the installed ventilation systems with particular regard to:
— design parameters, system characteristics and settings; and
— operation, maintenance and use.
6.2 Documents for design parameters, system characteristics and settings
The following documents shall be collated:
— general building drawings with the positions and the functions of all rooms;
— ventilation system design specification;
— fiche with product technical data.
It shall be checked that the design specification contains the following elements:
— type of ventilation system (e.g. central or decentral, natural, fan assisted natural, mechanical supply/exhaust/balanced or a combination of these);
— air flow control strategy (central, zonal or room based);
— type of controls (if any):
— manual control (the system runs according to a manually controlled switch);
— time control (the system runs staged according to a given time schedule);
— presence control (the system runs dependent on the presence of people);
— demand control (the system runs staged dependent on any indicator for the need of ventilation);
— location of the control devices;
— specification of the control devices (e.g. range and response of humidity sensor);
— design air flow rates for the ventilation system as a whole, for individual rooms and for individual air terminals (or equivalent information for natural ventilation systems (e.g. duct sizes, equivalent areas of air transfer devices));
— designed range of static pressure available at ATD;
— information on the different components of the ventilation system as given in Table 4.BS EN 14134  pdf download.

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