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BS EN 13265 pdf free download

BS EN 13265 pdf free download. Geotextiles and geotextile- related products — Characteristics required for use in liquid waste containment projects.
4 Required characteristics and corresponding methods of test 4.1 General The main functions of geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in liquid waste containment projects are filtration, reinforcement and protection. If a drainage or erosion control system is integrated in the construction, the requirements of the appropriate standards shall also be fulfilled. The specification shall define which functions and conditions of use are relevant (see Table 1). The producer shall provide the necessary data based on the requirements and test methods specified in this European Standard, as described in 5.1. The characteristics, their relevance to the conditions of use, and the test methods to be used, are specified in Table 1. The list of characteristics in Table 1 includes those relevant to all conditions of use (A), and those relevant to specific conditions of use (S). The indication “–” means that the characteristic is not relevant for that function. Where, for the same property, data for more than one function shall be provided, the following ranking order shall be observed: A overrules S, and S overrules “–”. The functions and conditions of use, corresponding with the S-coded characteristics in Table 1, are specified in 4.3. Durability shall be assessed in accordance with the requirements of Annex B. 4.2 Selection of the appropriate standard in a specific application Guidelines for the selection of the appropriate standard in a specific application are given in Annex C.4.3 Characteristics relevant to specific conditions of use 4.3.1 Stiffness at 2 %, 5 % and 10 % Data on stiffness are necessary for the reinforcement function if the deformation of the structure needs to be evaluated. 4.3.2 Tensile strength of seams and joints Data on tensile strength of seams and joints are necessary for all functions if the product is to be mechanically jointed and if load is transferred across the seams and joints. 4.3.3 Static puncture Data on static puncture or – as an alternative – on tensile strength, are necessary for the filtration function if required by the specification, i.e. when the site loading conditions are such that there is a potential risk of static puncture of the filter layer. 4.3.4 Friction characteristics Data on friction characteristics are necessary for the function filtration when the product is used in a situation where a differential movement can take place between the product and adjacent material that may endanger the stability of the works. The friction characteristics can be measured, using site specific materials, by a direct shear test according to EN ISO 12957-1 or, in the case of loads up to 5 kPa, by an inclined plane test according to EN ISO 12957-2. Friction behaviour with the adjacent construction materials, e.g. the soil or the geosynthetic barrier, should also be considered. 4.3.5 Tensile creep Data on tensile creep can be used to give an indication of the resistance to sustained loading, when the product fulfils a reinforcement function. 4.3.6 Resistance to damage during installation EN ISO 10722 can be used as an index test giving the relative performance of the product. Testing with site specific soil and conditions may give more relevant results for specific design. 4.3.7 Water permeability normal to the plane Data on water permeability are necessary when the reinforced structure is subject to water flow. 4.4 Release of dangerous substances National regulations on dangerous substances may require verification and declaration on release, and sometimes content, when construction products covered by this European Standard are placed on those markets. In the absence of European harmonized test methods, verification and declaration on release/content should be done taking into account national provisions in the place of use. NOTE An informative database covering European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at http://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/cp-ds/index_en.htm.BS EN 13265  pdf download.

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