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BS-EN-13016-1 pdf free download

BS-EN-13016-1 pdf free download.Liquid petroleum products – Vapour pressure – Part 1: Determination of air saturated vapour pressure (ASVP).
5.1.3 The test chamber shall be vacuum-tight, with provision for the injection of the sample, and shall be capable of containing between 5 ml and 15 ml of liquid and vapour with an accuracy of I %. The test chamber shall be capable of controlling the temperature of the sample to achieve the specified test temperature to within ±0,1 00 and of indicating the temperature to a resolution of at least 0,1 °C.
NOTE I The test chambers used in the instruments which generated the precision statements were constructed from either aluminium or stainless steel.
NOTE 2 Test chambers with capacities less than 5 ml or greater than 15 ml may be used but the precision of the method can be affected.
5.1.4 The apparatus shall be capable of measuring the vapour pressure of small samples of petroleum products, components and feedstocks over the range 9,0 kPa to 150,0 kPa, by means of a pressure transducer, with an accuracy of 0,8 kPa and a resolution of 0,1 kPa.
5.1.5 If a vacuum pump is required for use with the instrument, it shall be capable of reducing the pressure in the test chamber to less than 0,01 kPa absolute.
5.1.6 If a vacuum-tight syringe or similar equipment is required for measuring or injecting the required volume of sample into the test chamber, it shall be sized appropriately to the required sample size with an accuracy of at least I %.
5.2 Cooling equipment, air or iced-water bath or refrigerator, capable of cooling the samples to a temperature of between 0 00 and 1 00.
NOTE An intrinsically safe refrigerator should be used with petroleum products.
5.3 Barometer, capable of measuring atmospheric pressure within an accuracy of 0,1 kPa or better and calibrated and/or verified against an instrument certified by an authorized certification body.
5.4 Vacuum gauge or pressure transducer, covering at least the range 0 kPa to 0,67 kPa, calibrated and/or verified against an instrument certified by an authorized certification body.
5.5 Temperature measuring device, in the required temperature ranges, with a resolution of 0,1 00 and scale error of less than 0,1 °C, calibrated and/or verified against an instrument certified by an authorized certification body.
6 Sampling
6.1 Due to the extreme sensitivity of vapour pressure measurements to losses through evaporation and the resulting changes in composition, the utmost precaution and the most meticulous care shall be taken in the drawing and handling of samples.
6.2 Samples shall be drawn in accordance with EN ISO 3170. However, the water displacement technique shall not be used.
NOTE The drawing of samples using automatic techniques, such as those described in EN ISO 3171, is not recommended unless a variable volume sample receiver is used to collect and transport the sample to the test laboratory. The use of a fixed volume receiver, pressurized or not, may well result in the loss of light ends from the product being sampled, thereby affecting the vapour pressure measurement.
6.3 For routine testing, the sample shall be supplied in a container, constructed of suitable material, of either I I capacity or in a container of a different capacity with the same ullage requirement. For referee testing, a I I sample container shall be used. The container shall be a minimum of 70 % (V/V) full of sample at the time of receipt.
6.4 Samples shall be placed in a cool place as soon as possible after they have been obtained and held there until the test has been completed. Samples in leaking containers shall not be considered for testing but shall be discarded and new samples obtained.
7 Sample preparation
7.1 The vapour pressure determination shall be the first test on a sample. For referee testing, only one test portion shall be taken from the container; for routine testing, it is permitted for further samples to be taken from the same container.
7.2 Before the sample container is opened, place it in the cooling equipment (5.2) and allow sufficient time for the container and contents to cool to between 0 00 and 1 00.
NOTE Sufficient time to reach this temperature may be ensured by direct measurement of the temperature of a similar liquid in a similar container placed in the same bath at the same time as the sample.
7.3 With the sample at a temperature of 0 00 to 1 00, remove the container from the cooling equipment and wipe dry with an absorbent material. Unseal the container (if it is not transparent) and examine the sample content.
7.4 The sample content shall be 70 % (V/V) to 80 % (V/V) of the container capacity. Discard the
sample if its volume is less than 70 % (VA’) of the container capacity. If the container is more than 80
% (VA’) full, pour out sufficient sample to bring the container contents within the 70 % (V/V) to 80 %
(V/V) range. Under no circumstances shall any sample be returned to the container if it has been
poured out previously. Reseal the container and return it to the cooling equipment (5.2). BS-EN-13016-1  pdf download.

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