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BS EN 12607-3 pdf free download

BS EN 12607-3 pdf free download.Methods of test for petroleum and its products – BS 2000-460.3: Bitumen and bituminous binders.
4 Apparatus
Usual laboratory apparatus and glassware, together with the following:
4.1 Rotary evaporator, capable of maintaining 20 min1 ± 5 min1, used in conjunction with a
1 000 ml round bottom flask with a 29/32 ground cone socket.
NOTE: cooler and receiver are not required.
4.2 Flow control device, capable of maintaining an air flow rate of 500 mI/mm ± 10 mI/mm at ambient temperature.
NOTE: The air can be replaced with inert gases, such as nitrogen, to eliminate the effects of oxidation reactions.
4.3 Flowmeter, capable of measuring the airflow at a rate of 500 mI/mm with a maximum indication error of ± 5 mI/mm.
4.4 Thermometer, solid stem, as specified in Annex A.
Other temperature measuring devices may be used instead of mercury stem thermometers. However, the mercury stem thermometer is the reference device. Therefore any alternative device employed shall be calibrated so as to provide the same readings as would be provided by the mercury stem thermometer, recognizing and allowing for the fact of changed thermal response times compared with the mercury thermometer.
NOTE: When measuring and controlling nominally constant temperatures, as in this test method, alternative devices can indicate greater cyclic variations than mercury thermometers, to an extent depending on the cycle time of heating and the power of the controlled heat input.
4.5 Glass air inlet pipe, approximately 400 mm long and with an inside diameter of 7 mm,
mounted along the axis of rotation of the flask, as illustrated in Figure 1.
4.6 Compressor, or compressed air cylinder, fitted with a reducing valve.
4.7 Thermostatically controlled oil bath, regulated to 165 °C ± I °C.
4.8 Oven, capable of achieving temperatures up to not less than 120 00.
4.9 Balance, accurate to ± 10 mg, readable to I mg.
5 Sampling
5.1 General
Take all necessary safety precautions and ensure that the test sample is representative for the laboratory sample from which it is taken (see EN 58). Ensure that the laboratory sample is homogeneous and is not contaminated (see EN 1425).
5.2 Test sample preparation
Remove sufficient quantity of the laboratory sample to perform tests to establish the characteristics to be measured on the bituminous binder before and after the RFT hardening test, if necessary using a warmed knife, and transfer it to a suitable container according to EN 12594.
Procedure 6.1 Test with the determination of change in mass Weigh 100g土1 g of the test sample into the flask of the rotary evaporator (4. 1) to the nearest 5 mg, and record the mass mo. Allow to cool in a desiccator to a temperature between 18。C and 28。C, and determine the mass mε of the sample to the nearest 5 mg. Heat the oil bath (4.7) to the test temperature土1。C and mount the flask containing the sample in the bath with the axis of rotation of the flask lying at an angle of 45° to the perpendicular and the spherical body of the flask being completely immersed in the bath liquid (see Figure 1). Insert the air-inlet pipe (4. 5) along the axis of rotation of the flask with a clearance of 40 mm土2 mm between the lower end of the pipe and the bottom of the flask. NOTE: The reference temperature of the test is 165 °C; however, it is possible to perform the test at other temperatures. Heat the sample without supplying additional air while the flask rotates at 20 min’土5 min’. After 10 min士1 min, switch on the air supply at a flow rate of 500 ml/min土10 ml/min. Ensure that the air supply is at a temperature of between 18 °C and 28 °C when entering the air- inlet pipe and that throughout the test, the temperature of the bath liquid is maintained at the test temperature土1 °C. BS EN 12607-3  pdf download.

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