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BS EN 210 pdf free download

BS EN 210 pdf free download.Steel drums – Non-removable head (tight head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 216,51.
4. Dimensions
The dimensions of non-removable (tight head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 216,51 shall be as shown in Figure 1. In addition the steel thickness shall be between 0,6 mm and 1,5 mm, with tolerances as specified in EN 10131:1991 (normal tolerances). Manufacturing tolerances on overall height (h) shall be ±3 mm.
5. Material
The body and ends of the drums shall be made of steel DC 01 in accordance with EN 10130+A1:1998, hot-rolled steel DD11 in accordance with EN 10111:1998, or steel of a higher strength. Closure flanges shall be manufactured from metal, and closure plugs from metal or plastics material as specified in prEN 12928:1999.
6. Construction
6.1 The longitudinal seam of the body shall be welded.
6.2 The body and ends shall be combined by round or triple seaming or other joining methods (e.g. welding).
6.3 The closures shall be in accordance with prEN 12928:1999 and shall be positioned in the top end of the drum, diametrically opposed, as indicated in Figure 1. The nominal pitch diameter and the pitch of the closures shall be as defined in ISO 228-1:1994, for threads G 3/4 and G2. The insertion of the closure with the G2 thread shall be such that its centre line is as close as possible to the vertical. The metal or plastics plugs shall be fitted with washers of suitable material compatible with the contents of the drum.
NOTE I In addition to the two rolling hoops (beads) as shown in Figure 1, the drum body may be reinforced with corrugations leaving a free space of at least 115 mm from the seams.
NOTE 2 Instead of a convex top, as shown in Figure 1, the drum can be fitted with a differently shaped top for optimal draining in an upside down position.
7. Finish
The nature of the internal and external finish shall be appropriate to the physical and chemical requirements of their intended use.
NOTE The nature of the internal and external finish should be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
8. Draining
8.1 The drum shall be designed so as to minimize the residual volume of the liquid left in the drum after drainage. The residue shall be not more than 100 ml when tested according to B.3 (procedure A)
8.2 The residue obtained when the drum is tested according to B.4 (procedure B) is more dependent on the area and condition of the internal surface of the drum than procedure A and therefore may be in excess of that for procedure A.
NOTE The maximum permitted figure should be agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
9. Designation
A non-removable head (tight head) drum (TH) manufactured in accordance with EN 210 with
a minimum total capacity of 216,5 I shall be designated:
Steel drum TH EN 210 TC-216,5 I.
NOTE Where the dwms are intended to be used for the transport of dangerous goods, attention is drawn to the regulatory requirements which govern the transport of those goods in the countries concerned. In Europe, depending upon the mode of transport, this means meeting the requirements of:
European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR);
Regulations concerning the International Carnage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID);
Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, Document 9284-AN/905 published by the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG-CODE) published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). BS EN 210  pdf download.


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