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BS EN 54-5 pdf free download

BS EN 54-5 pdf free download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems — Part 5: Heat detectors — Point detectors.
3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions and those given in EN 54-1:1 996 apply: 3.1 typical application temperature temperature that an installed detector can be expected to experience for long periods of time in the absence of a fire condition NOTE: This temperature is deemed to be 29 °C below the minimum static response temperature, according to the class marked on the detector, as specified in Table 1. 3.2 maximum application temperature maximum temperature that an installed detector can be expected to experience, even for short periods of time, in the absence of a fire condition NOTE: This temperature is deemed to be 4 °C below the minimum static response temperature, according to the class marked on the detector, as specified in Table 1. 3.3 static response temperature temperature at which the detector would produce an alarm signal if subjected to a vanishingly small rate of rise of temperature NOTE: Rates of rise of temperature of approximately 0,2 K min -1 are normally found to be suitable for measuring this, however lower rates can be required in some instances (see 5.3).4 Requirements 4.1 Compliance In order to comply with this standard the detector shall meet the requirements of this clause, which shall be verified by visual inspection or engineering assessment, shall be tested as described in clause 5 and if applicable clause 6, and shall meet the requirements of the tests in accordance with its marked class(es). 4.2 Classification Detectors shall conform to one or more of the following classes: A1, A2, B, C, D, E, F or G according to the requirements of the tests specified in clause 5 (see Table 1).Manufacturers may optionally give additional information concerning the type of response exhibited by the detector, by adding the suffix S or R to the above classes 1) . Detectors, which are marked with the letter S or R as a suffix to the class marking, shall be tested in accordance with the applicable test, specified in clause 6, and shall meet the requirements of that test, in addition to the tests of clause 5. 4.3 Position of heat sensitive elements Each detector shall be constructed such that at least part of its heat sensitive element(s), except elements with auxiliary functions (e.g. characteristic correctors), shall be ? 15 mm from the mounting surface of the detector.4.4 Individual alarm indication Class A1, A2, B, C or D detectors shall be provided with an integral red visual indicator, by which the individual detector, which released an alarm, can be identified, until the alarm condition is reset. Where other conditions of the detector can be visually indicated, they shall be clearly distinguishable from the alarm indication, except when the detector is switched into a service mode. For detachable detectors the indicator may be integral with the base or the detector head. The visual indicator shall be visible from a distance of 6 m directly below the detector, in an ambient light intensity up to 500 lux. Class E, F or G detectors shall be provided with either an integral red indicator, or with another means for locally indicating the alarm status of the detector. 4.5 Connection of ancillary devices Where the detector provides for connections to ancillary devices (e.g. remote indicators, control relays), open- or short-circuit failures of these connections shall not prevent the correct operation of the detector. 4.6 Monitoring of detachable detectors For detachable detectors, a means shall be provided for a remote monitoring system (e.g. the control and indicating equipment) to detect the removal of the head from the base, in order to give a fault signal.BS EN 54-5  pdf download.

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