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EN 1969 pdf free download

EN 1969 pdf free download.Surfaces for sports areas – Determination of thickness of synthetic sports surfaces.
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies two methods for the detemiination of the thickness of synthetic surfaces for sports areas, suitable for use in the laboratory and hi-situ.
Method A, a destructive test method, is intended for use:
— where the thickness needs to be measured to an
accuracy of ±0,1 mm;
— when the thickness of different layers is to be
Method B, a non-destructive test method, is intended for use as a routine check on thickness, e.g. for control purposes or when surveying a large area of synthetic surfacing. It gives measurements to an accuracy between ±0,5 mm and ±1,5 mm, depending upon the texture.
2 Apparatus
2.1 Method A
2.1.1 Plane rfri rnce plate
2.1.2 z k*iiess gauge, with a 0,01 rum accuracy dial, a plunger with a flat nwasuring surface
of 4 mm ±0,1 nmi diameter and a measurement force between 0,8 N and 1,0 N.
2.2 Method B
2.2.1 Th i(*flPSS measu’i-ing probe, comprising three flat-ended, steel probes, circular in section, approximately 2 mm in (harneter, setS in a triangular pattern between 15 mni and 20 mm apart, which can be (Inven into a surface un(ler test in such a maniter that the flUmmulil (k?pth of Penetration from the upper surface of (he material tul(ler test can be measured by nwaiis of a sliding, cahbrate(l barrel, having a flat. circular base of 25 mm to 30 mm in diameter (see Figure 1).
3 Test specimens for method A
3.1 Preparation
Remove a core of diameter 20 mm to 25 mm from the surface. If necessary, gently abrade the upper and lower surfaces of the core with grade 60 abrasive paper until the surface area ground is approximately 50 % of the total surface area.
3.2 Number of test specimens Prepare a minimum of five test specimens.
4 Procedure
4.1 Test conditions
Unless slated otherwise in the manufacturer’s specification, carey out the tests at 23 °C ± 2 °C and 50 % ± 5 % relative hunu(hty.
4.2 Method A
4.2.1 Total thickness
Set the plunger of the thiclawss gauge directly on the plane reference plate. Record the reading on the dial (zero reading). Place the preu’ared core between plunger and plate. Record the reading on the dial (measurenwnt reading 1).
4.2.2 Layer thickness
Gently abrade (lie to1) layer with grade 60 abrasive paper until approximately 50 % of the bottom layer is visible. Replace the core between plunger and plate and record the reading on the dial (measurement readmg 2).
4.3 Method B
4.3.1 Force the thickness nwasunng probe into the surface under test, using hand pressure, until one or more of the steel probes comes into contact with the substrate.
NOTE Care is required wlieii testing surfaces insa11ed over macadam or asphalt, to ensure thai the I)robes do not penetrate any soft areas or vonts in the siibst rate.
Without moving the probes, adjust, the sliding barrel until it is in contact with the upper surface of the surface under test, and read off the thickness from the cahi) rated barrel.
4.3.2 If iiecessar, niake allowance for any surface texture wiuch may be present by laying a reference sample with an identical surface texture over a steel plate, placed adjacent to the tests area, and measure the thickness as given in 4.3.1. Renwasure the thickness of 11w reference samj)le as given in 4.2.
5 Calculation and expression of results
5.1 Method A
Calculate the total thickness and layer thickness of each test specimen as follows:
Total tiuckness:
Total thickness, in millimetres, is given by measurement reading 1 minus zero reacting. Layer thickness:
Layer thickness, in millimetres, is given by total thickness minus measurement reading 2. Express the results to the nearest 0,1 mm.
5.2 Method B
Where necessary, apply the following C(MTeCtlOfl factor to all individual measurements:
Correction factor, in millimetres, is given by thickness of the reference sample using method B, in millimetres, minus thickness of the reference sample using method A, in millimetres.
Express results to the nearest 0,5 mm.
6 Test report
The test report shall contain the following:
a) the number and date of this European Standard, i.e. prEN 1969:1999;
b) the nature and designation of the material including, for hi-sifti measurements, a plan of the testing sites;
c) the test conditions, including site weather conditions for in-situ measurement;
d) the individual test results and their average; e) the date of the test and the reference number. EN 1969 pdf download.

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