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BS EN ISO 10360-5 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 10360-5 pdf free download. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS).
3.15 scanning mode time τ Sph.Scan:k:Tact time taken to perform the scanning test Note 1 to entry: Where k is replaced by the following designates as applicable: k = PP or NPP depending on system scanning mode, pre-defined path or not pre-defined path. Note 2 to entry: Time is stated in seconds. 3.16 scanning mode form error on a ring gauge P Form.Cir.Scan:k.lo:Tact observed form of a ring gauge, the measurements being performed by a CMM using scanning mode with a single stylus aligned to the ram axis if l o = 0 mm, or a single stylus orthogonal to the ram axis with l o = 150 mm as the default Note 1 to entry: Where k is replaced by the following designates as applicable: k = PP or NPP depending on system scanning mode, pre-defined path or not pre-defined path. Note 2 to entry: Where l o is replaced with the relevant length of ram axis stylus tip offset in the specification of the manufacturer. Note 3 to entry: See Annex A for the test definition for this optional test. Note 4 to entry: Ram axis stylus tip offset l o in this document is normally equivalent to ram axis stylus tip offset L used in ISO 10360‑2. An example where it is different is a horizontal arm machine where the articulated head is mounted vertically. 3.17 scanning mode size error on a ring gauge P Size.Cir.Scan:k.lo:Tact error of indication of the size of a ring gauge, the measurements being performed by a CMM using scanning mode with a single stylus aligned to the ram axis if l o = 0 mm; or a single stylus orthogonal to the ram axis with l o = 150 mm as the default unless otherwise specified Note 1 to entry: Where k is replaced by the following designates as applicable: k = PP or NPP depending on system scanning mode, pre-defined path or not pre-defined path. Note 2 to entry: Where l o is replaced with the relevant length of ram axis stylus tip offset in the specification of the manufacturer. Note 3 to entry: See Annex A for the test definition for this optional test. 3.18 opposing‑styli projected location error on a ring gauge L Dia.Proj.Cir.Scan:j:Tact error of indication of the location of a ring gauge as measured using scanning mode probing from opposing orientations Note 1 to entry: This gives the user an indication as to the performance of the system when measuring, for example, co‑axiality of crank shaft journals using styli from opposing orientations. Note 2 to entry: Where j is replaced by MS, MP, Emp or Inf as applicable. 3.19 maximum permissible multi‑stylus form error P Form.Sph.5×25:j:Tact,MPE extreme value of the multi-stylus form error (3.7), P Form.Sph.5×25:j:Tact , permitted by specifications Note 1 to entry: See Annex D for how this MPE may be expressed. Note 2 to entry: Where j is replaced by MS, MP, Emp or Inf as applicable. 3.20 maximum permissible multi‑stylus size error P Size.Sph.5×25:j:Tact,MPE extreme value of the multi-stylus size error (3.8), P Size.Sph.5×25:j:Tact , permitted by specifications Note 1 to entry: See Annex D for how this MPE may be expressed. Note 2 to entry: Where j is replaced by MS, MP, Emp or Inf as applicable. 3.21 maximum permissible multi‑stylus location error L Dia.5×25:j:Tact,MPE extreme value of the multi-stylus location error (3.9), L Dia.5×25:j:Tact , permitted by specifications Note 1 to entry: See Annex D for how this MPE may be expressed. Note 2 to entry: Where j is replaced by MS, MP, Emp or Inf as applicable.BS EN ISO 10360-5  pdf download.

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