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EN 12279 pdf free download

EN 12279 pdf free download.Gas supply systems – Gas pressure regulating installations on service lines – Functional requirements.
5 Layout of the gas pressure regulating installation 5.1 General Gas pressure regulating installations shall be designed, constructed, located, maintained and operated taking into consideration the safety and environmental requirements of the applicable regulations. Careful consideration shall be given to the location, need for ventilation, noise control, accessibility and the possible housing of the installation. 5.2 Location of the gas pressure regulating installation The area of the site shall be adequate to accommodate the equipment and provide access for operation and maintenance. Where necessary, components shall be protected from damage. The combustion air intake of any gas appliance shall be located so as to minimise any hazard arising from sources of gas leakage or emission (see 6.2.3 and 7.4). EXAMPLE : Relief devices, vents 5.3 Security of the gas pressure regulating installation Where applicable, gas pressure regulating installations should be secured against entry by unauthorized persons. Where necessary, prominent signs prohibiting smoking and other ignition sources and signs showing an emergency telephone number should be displayed.6 Requirements for housings 6.1 General Gas pressure regulating installations shall be located as shown in annex A. Other options may be used if equivalent safety and maintenance are ensured. The maximum upstream operating pressure of gas pressure regulating installations inside a building, which is owned by a third party, shall not exceed 5 bar, as shown in figure A.1 . The pressure may be higher where the installation is housed as shown in figures A.2 to A.5, and operations are carried out by competent persons. Materials chosen for the construction of the housing should be durable and weather resistant and should require minimum maintenance. 6.2 Specific requirements for maximum upstream operating pressures greater than 5 bar 6.2.1 Where applications are in accordance with the examples shown in figures A.2 and A.3, partition walls and ducts for pipe, cable and wiring shall be designed in such a way that gas leakage does not lead to a hazard. 6.2.2 Where applications are in accordance with the examples shown in figures A.2 and A.3 any wall, floor or ceiling separating the installation from the rest of the building shall be of fire-resistant con- struction. The access doors of spaces housing gas pressure regulating installations shall be protected against unauthorized entry. The doors shall be on the outside wall of the building and open outwards. It shall be possible to fix them in an open position. In the case of accessible spaces, it shall be possible to open the doors from the inside without a key. Passages into the open air shall be kept clear at all times. Doors and ventilation apertures shall be at a safe distance from windows, which can be opened, or doors and apertures of other buildings. There shall be no apertures to other closed spaces.6.2.3 The space housing the gas pressure regulating installation shall be well ventilated direct to atmosphere by means of apertures in such a manner that no hazard can occur. The ventilation apertures shall be protected against blockage. 6.2.4 Where applications are in accordance with the example shown in figure A.2 the floors of accessible spaces in which a flammable atmosphere can be present shall be covered with an anti-static and spark inhibiting material. EXAMPLE: Concrete, tiles. 6.2.5 Where applications are in accordance with the example shown in figure A.5 where permanent barriers against traffic are not permitted, the lid of the pit shall comply with EN 1 24. Consideration shall be given to prevent the ingress of water which can impair the function of the gas pressure regulating installation. 7 Design of the gas pressure regulating installation 7.1 General The design and construction of gas pressure regulating installations shall take into account ambient conditions to ensure their correct function. The relevant components of the installation should be easily accessible for operation and maintenance. Consideration shall be given to subsidence, settlement, corrosion and other hazards. Components shall be suitable for the pressures and temperatures occurring under normal operating conditions and for pressures up to MIP. When installed inside buildings the requirements of EN 1 775 concerning protection in case of fire shall be complied with. EN 12279  pdf download.

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