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BS EN 17429 pdf free download

BS EN 17429 pdf free download.Conservation of cultural heritage — Procurement of conservation services and works.
3? Terms? and? definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 15898 and the following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp/ui 3.1 Conservation terms 3.1.1 conservation conservation-restoration measures and actions aimed at safeguarding cultural heritage while respecting its significance, including its accessibility to present and future generations Note 1 to entry: Conservation includes preventive conservation, remedial conservation and restoration. Note 2 to entry: The term “preservation” is also used, e.g. in libraries and archives. Note 3 to entry: All conservation actions are based on documentary and/or material evidence. [SOURCE: EN 15898:2019, 3.3.1] 3.1.2 cultural heritage tangible and intangible entities of significance to present and future generations [SOURCE: EN 15898:2019, 3.1.1] 3.1.3 value aspect of importance that individuals, communities or society assign(s) to an object, ensemble or collection in a particular context Note 1 to entry: Values can be of different types, for example: artistic, symbolic, historical, social, economic, scientific, educational, technological, functional etc. Note 2 to entry: The assigned value can change according to circumstance, e.g. how the judgement is made, the context and the moment in time. Value should always be indicated by its qualifying type. [SOURCE: EN 15898:2019, 3.1.6] 3.1.4 significance combination of all the values assigned to an object, ensemble or collection [SOURCE: EN 15898:2019, 3.1.7] 3.1.5 object single manifestation of tangible cultural heritage NOTE The term “object” is used in this standard for cultural heritage, both immovable and movable. In specific professional contexts, other terms are used: e.g. “artefact”, “cultural property”, “item”, “site”, “building”, “monument”, “specimen”, “structure”, “cultural landscape”, “document”. [SOURCE: EN 15898:2019, 3.1.3] 3.1.6 condition report record of condition for a specific purpose, dated and authored NOTE A condition report normally results from a condition survey. [SOURCE: EN 15898:2019, 3.6.5] 3.2 Procurement terms 3.2.1 procurement process of acquiring conservation services and works 3.2.2 commissioner individual or organization responsible for cultural heritage seeking the services or works of a specialist individual or enterprise to provide conservation services or works NOTE This can include custodians, public or private individuals and institutions or conservation specialists, conservation funding organisations, etc. 3.2.3 contractor person or enterprise that supplies the services or works NOTE For the purposes of this document, ‘contractor’ refers to the party providing the services or works. Even though in some nations or languages, the word contractor is used for both sides of a contract (commissioner and provider). 3.2.4 pre-qualification threshold used to filter a selection process NOTE For the selection of conservation this may include qualifications, expertise, reference, governance, financial health, health and safety, insurance. 3.2.5 specification detailed description containing all elements of a commissioner’s requirements 3.2.6 tender notice document that alerts prospective contractors to the nature of the services or works required by the commissioner and contains sufficient information to justify a response 3.2.7 tender document document which the commissioner makes available to candidates and tenderers in a procedure for the award of a contract. This includes, among other things, the invitation to submit a tender, the application conditions and the contractual documents consisting of the specification and the contractual conditions.BS EN 17429  pdf download.

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