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BS EN 50520 pdf free download

BS EN 50520 pdf free download. Cover plates and cover tapes for the protection and location warning of buried cables or buried conduits in underground installations.
4 General requirements Cover plates and cover tapes shall be so designed and constructed that, when installed according to manufacturer’s instructions, they provide mechanical protection and location warning of cables or conduits in all their extension (length and width). Compliance is checked by carrying out all the tests specified. Products made of hygroscopic material shall fulfil requirements of 5.3 before testing. Compliance is checked by inspection of raw material supplier’s data sheet. 5 General conditions for tests 5.1 Test conditions Tests according to this document are type tests. NOTE Annex A provides an overview of the tests to be applied on the cover plates and cover tapes. Unless otherwise specified, the samples are tested as delivered and under normal conditions of use, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Unless otherwise specified, the tests are carried out in the order of the clauses, at an ambient temperature between 15 °C and 35 °C. In case of doubt, the tests are made at an ambient temperature of (20 ± 5) °C. 5.2 Samples Unless otherwise specified, each test is made on three new samples. NOTE Certain tests, for instance the checking of dimensions, do not affect a change in the property of the samples; therefore these samples are considered as new samples and can be used for further tests. 5.3 Conditioning Samples made of hygroscopic material shall be conditioned for at least 240 h, at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C and a relative humidity between 90 % and 95 %. All tests shall be carried out immediately after this conditioning. 5.4 Validation of the results The samples are submitted to all the relevant tests and the requirements are satisfied if all the tests are met. If one sample does not satisfy a test due to an assembly or a manufacturing fault, that test and any preceding one that could have influenced the results of the test shall be repeated, and also the tests that follow shall be carried out in the required sequence on another full set of samples, all of which shall comply with the requirements. NOTE The applicant can submit, together with a number of samples specified in 5.2, the additional set of samples that could be required, should one sample fail. The testing station will then, without further request, test the additional samples and will only reject them if a further failure occurs. If the additional set of samples is not submitted at the same time, the failure of one sample will entail rejection. When toxic or hazardous processes are used, due regard shall be given to the safety of the persons within the test area. 6 Classification 6.1 According to material 6.1.1 Hygroscopic material 6.1.2 Non hygroscopic material 6.2 According to the temperature The minimum temperature of transport, storage, installation and application is given in Table 1. 7 Marking and documentation 7.1 Cover plates and cover tapes shall be marked with: — name, sign or trademark of the manufacturer or responsible vendor; — a product identification mark which may be, for example, a catalogue number, a symbol or the like — the reference to this document; — the following notice: — a warning, as for example ATTENTION or PRECAUTION; — for the cover plates and cover tapes intended for protection and signalling of electric cables or conduits for electric cables buried underground: the warning sign for dangerous voltage as specified in IEC 60417 (code 5036), inside an advertisement sign as specified on ISO 3864 (series), and the message ELECTRIC CABLES; — for cover plates and cover tapes intended for protecting and indicating the presence of information and communication technology cables or conduits for information and communication technology cables that are buried underground: an advertisement sign as specified in ISO 3864 (series), and the message CABLES.BS EN 50520  pdf download.

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