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EN 39 pdf free download

EN 39 pdf free download.Loose steel tubes for tube and coupler scaffolds — Technical delivery conditions.
6 Manufacturing process 6.1 Steelmaking process The steelmaking process is at the discretion of the manufacturer. The steel shall be killed. 6.2 Tube manufacture The tubes shall be made seamless or welded, at the discretion of the manufacturer unless option 1 is specified. Option 1 tubes shall be supplied seamless or welded the type to be specified by the purchaser. Finished welded tubes shall not include welds used for joining together lengths of the hot or cold rolled strip prior to forming.
7 Requirements 7.1 General When manufactured in accordance with clause 6 and inspected in accordance with clause 8, the tube shall conform to the requirements of this European Standard. In addition to the requirements of this European Standard, the general technical delivery requirements specified in EN 10021 shall apply. 7.2 Chemical composition and mechanical properties The tube shall meet the requirements for chemical composition and mechanical properties given in Table 1. The cast analysis reported by the steel producer shall apply. The silicon content shall be within either range 1 or range 2 (see Table 1) unless option 2 is specified. Option 2 the silicon content in range 1 shall be limited to 0,04 % maximum. A flattening test shall be carried out on welded tube in accordance with 10.2. 7.3 Appearance The tubes shall have a smooth external surface corresponding to the manufacturing process. Surface imperfections are permitted providing the dimensions remain within the tolerance limits given in 7.6. 7.4 Straightness The deviation from straightness of any tube length (L) shall not exceed 0,002 L. Deviations from straightness over any one metre length shall not exceed 3 mm (see Figure 1).7.5 External weld bead and preparation of ends The external weld bead of welded tubes shall be trimmed flush. Tube ends shall be cut nominally square with the axis of the tube and shall be free from harmful burrs. 7.6 Dimensions, mass and tolerances 7.6.1 Dimensions The specified outside diameter is 48,3 mm and the specified wall thickness is 3,2 mm for type 3 and 4,0 mm for type 4. 7.6.2 Tolerances on dimensions The tolerance on specified outside diameter is +/?0,5 mm. The tolerance on out of roundness is included in the diameter tolerance. The tolerance on wall thickness is ?10 %. However, for seamless tubes, a deviation from specified wall thickness of more than 10 % but not more than 15 % of the specified thickness may occur in smooth transition areas over no more than 25 % of the circumference. The inside diameter of tubes shall allow insertion of a gauge of diameter 37,7 mm for a minimum length of 200 mm. 7.6.3 Mass The nominal mass per unit length of type 3 tube is 3,56 kg/m and for type 4 tube 4,37 kg/m. 7.6.4 Tolerance on mass The mass deviation on a single tube shall not exceed ?7,5 % of the specified mass. NOTE The plus tolerance is controlled by 7.6.2. 7.6.5 Length Tubes shall be delivered in standard lengths of 6 m or 6,4 m, purchaser to specify the length required (see 5.1), unless option 3 is specified. Option 3 approximate or exact lengths shall be supplied, purchaser to specify the length required. 7.6.6 Values for design of structures Values for the sectional properties, modulus of elasticity and the mass per metre of tubes supplied in accordance with this European Standard are given for information in annex A. 8 Inspection 8.1 Type of inspection The tubes shall be supplied with non-specific inspection and testing in accordance with EN 10021 unless option 5 is specified. Option 5 the tubes shall be supplied with specific inspection and testing. 8.2 Inspection documents 8.2.1 Types of inspection document The following documents, in accordance with EN 10204, shall be issued. Tubes with non-specific inspection shall be supplied without an inspection document unless option 6 is specified. Option 6 an inspection document type 2.1 or 2.2 in accordance with EN 10204, as specified by the purchaser, shall be supplied. EN 39 pdf download.

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