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BS EN 16603-33-11 pdf free download

BS EN 16603-33-11 pdf free download.Space engineering – Explosive subsystems and devices.
4.1 General 4.1.1 Overview Being generally applicable, the requirements stated in this clause apply throughout and are not repeated in the clauses relating to specific topics. Explosive subsystem and devices use energetic materials (explosives, propellants, powder) initiated by mechanical, electrical, thermal, or optical stimuli, for unique (single shot) functions e.g. solid booster initiation, structure cutting, stage distancing, pressurized venting, stage neutralisation, valve opening or closing, release of solar arrays, antennas, booms, covers and instruments. The properties of the initiator govern the major part of the behaviour of the subsystem. The requirements for initiators and their derivatives, such as cartridges and detonators, are defined in specific requirements related to the specific types. Properties of explosive components and subsystem, which cannot be covered by requirements for the initiators alone, are defined in specific requirements relating to the types of explosively actuated device or pyromechanisms. Other components of the explosive subsystem, which can be tested and do not need specific requirements, are subject to the general technical and product assurance requirements. Detailed aspects of these components are included where they have a significant influence on the success of the system. Single-shot items can never be tested in advance. Particular care is needed in their development, qualification, procurement and use. Explosive components are not governed by the institutional component control organisations. The content and phasing of deliverable documents are identified in each of the top level discipline standards of each ECSS branch. A list of deliverable documents specific to this standard is provided in informative Annex B. 4.1.2 Properties The two states of the properties of the explosive subsystem before firing and after firing shall be identified and listed. b. For every explosive component the function, primary stimulus, unwanted stimuli and secondary characteristics shall be identified and quantified. c. Only qualified and lot accepted items shall be used in flight systems. d. The properties of an explosive subsystem shall remain stable over time before firing and after firing when subject to external loads or environmental conditions, within the qualification values. 4.2 Design 4.2.1 General a. In case of redundancy, no component shall adversely affect its substitute. b. The system lay-out should facilitate the replacement of subsystems or components. C, Parts of the explosive subsystem and devices identified as critical on the basis of a RAMS analysis shall be replaceable. d. Replaceable parts shall be listed in the User’s Manual of the explosive subsystem and devices. 4.2.2 Reliability and confidence a. The explosive subsystem shall achieve the specified properties within the required reliability and confidence level defined at system level. b. The reliability demonstration shall be: . 1. used to justify design margins incuding the influence of ageing, temperature and explosive batch, 2. justified according to clause 6.4.2 of ECSS-Q-ST-30 or dedicated system specification, and 3. stated in a relability prediction document as per Annex E of ECSS-Q-ST- 30. NOTE Dedicated system specifications are, for example, GDIR and SG. c. The allocation of the probability and the confidence level of unwanted actuating of an explosive device shall be determined and justified according to clause 7.5 of ECSS-Q-ST-40 or dedicated system specification. NOTE Dedicated system specifications are, for example, GDIR and SG. d. <<deleted>> e. <<deleted>> f. For the reliability demonstration, the customer shall agree which performance characteristics are declared as mean values with associated standard deviation. NOTE The reliability demonstration is used to justify design margins including the influence of ageing, temperature and explosive batch. g. The selection of the statistical methods and functional parameters shall be justified and approved by the customer.BS EN 16603-33-11 pdf download.

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