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BS EN 17038-1 pdf free download

BS EN 17038-1 pdf free download.Pumps – Methods of qualification and verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for rotodynamic pump units.
4.2 Weighted-average value of the electric power input The quantification of energy efficiency of pump units should be based on the weighted average of electrical power input P1, avg. The weighting factor when averaging the electrical power input P1 is the fraction of operating time at the respective flow rate. Generally, for any application there is a continuous function describing the dependency of (differential) time fraction dt/tot on the relative flow rate Q/Q100 % where tot is the total operating time and Q100 % is defined in the specific parts of this standard. For the assessment of the energy efficiency of pump units, common and standardized “flow-time profiles” are needed as basis for indicating their energy efficiency. The flow-time profile is defined for each pump type in other parts of this standard.In order to simplify further the determination of a value which characterizes the energy efficiency of pump units, in this document the different flow-time profiles are described by a limited number of points, not by a continuous curve or function. These discrete points are pairs of values of Q/Q100 % and 0t/tot. These values define the discretised flow-time profiles. They are given as reference flow-time profiles in the specific parts of this standard. (In this case, Ot is a finite fraction of operating time and Q/Q100 % is the average value of relative flow rate demanded within this time fraction.) NOTE1 The reference flow-time profiles defined in this document for variable flow operation reflect the typical ranges and variations of demanded flow rate in these types of applications and are based on experimental field studies, see [1], [2].5 Qualification of pump unit types in respect to their Energy Efficiency Index 5.1 General remarks The qualification of a pump unit type in respect to the Energy Efficiency Index (EEN) is the responsibility of the company which places it on the market and/or puts it into service. Product information on EEI of a pump unit type can either state the [legally) required EEI in the format “EEI≤0.XX” or can indicate a lower value “EEI≤0.YY” if the pump unit type is qualified for that and the manufacturer decides so. EEI values shall be rounded to two decimal places. 5.2 Qualification methods Generally, the method which is applied to determine the EEI-value in the frame of the qualification procedure is left to the company which is responsible. In this document, two methods of qualification are described. Both methods result in a high probability of a successful verification: 1) Tests on complete pump units and evaluation of the test results to determine the EEI-value. 2] Determination of the EEI-value by applying a semi-analytical model of the complete pump unit. These methods are described in detail in specific parts of this standard for the respective types of pump units. The tests and evaluations on each of the pump units drawn at random and independently from each other out of the pump unit type population for which the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) shall be verified shall be carried out according to other parts of this standard. For the decision on passing or failing the verification in respect to EEI, a total tolerance of tEEI= 7 % is applied to the nominal value of EEI. The nominal value for a pump unit type is: the maximum allowable value EElallowable required by law for assessing the conformity to law, -the numerical EEI-value indicated on the nameplates and/or in the technical documentation of the pump unit type for assessing the indicated value. This tolerance considers the effects of manufacturing performance tolerances within a pump unit type population (see Annex B) and the measurement uncertainties (see Annex D) of the verification test[s).BS EN 17038-1 pdf download.

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