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BS EN ISO 20200 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 20200 pdf free download. Plastics Determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials under simulated composting conditions in a laboratory- scale test.
4 Principle
The method determines the degree of disintegration of test materials on a laboratory scale under conditions simulating an intensive aerobic composting process. The solid matrix used consists of a synthetic solid waste inoculated with mature compost taken from a commercial composting plant. Pieces of the plastic test material are composted with this prepared solid matrix. The degree of disintegration is determined after a composting cycle, by sieving the final matrix through a 2 mm sieve in order to recover the non-disintegrated residues. The reduction in mass of the test sample is considered as disintegrated material and used to calculate the degree of disintegration.
5 Synthetic solid waste
The composition of the synthetic waste used in this method is described in Table 1.
Well aerated compost from a commercial aerobic composting plant shall be used as the inoculum. The compost inoculum shall be homogeneous and free from large inert objects such as glass, stones or pieces of metal. Remove any such objects manually and then sieve the compost on a screen of mesh aperture between 0,5 cm and 1 cm. It is recommended that compost from a plant composting the organic fraction of solid municipal waste be used in order to ensure sufficient diversity of microorganisms. If such a compost is not available, then compost from plants treating farmyard waste or mixtures of garden waste and solid municipal waste may be used. The compost shall not be older than 4 months.
Prepare the synthetic waste manually by mixing the different components listed in Table 1. The allowed tolerance on the mass measurements of the synthetic waste components, water included, is 5 %. Add chlorine-free tap water, or de-ionized or distilled water, to the mixture to adjust its final water content to 55 % in total. Perform this operation just before start-up. The synthetic waste shall have a carbon:nitrogen (C/N) ratio of between 20:1 and 40:1. The urea concentration can be changed to adjust the C/N ratio to the required range. In this case, the concentration of the other components shall be adjusted proportionately in order to bring the total dry mass of the solid waste to 100 %.
7.3 Thermophilic incubation period (high temperature) Close and weigh each reactor and place it in an air-circulation oven maintained at a constant temperature of (58土2) °C for a minimum period of 45 days and a maximum of 90 days. Record the temperature of the oven throughout the test period or, alternatively, use a maximum-minimum thermometer, checking the temperature at least twice a week. To ensure a good composting process, it is necessary to maintain suitable environmental conditions. Follow the procedure described in Table 3. This procedure aerates the composting matter whilst maintaining a sufficient water content. The gross mass of the reactor flled with the mixture is determined at the beginning of the composting process. At each scheduled point in time (see Table 3), the reactor is weighed and, if needed, the initial mass restored totally or in part by adding chlorine-free tap water, de-ionized water or distilled water as indicated in Table 3. It is important to note that the optimum water concentration is obtained when the composting matter is wet but no free water is present. This means that the maximum water-absorbing capacity has not been reached. The operator can determine this condition by squeezing the composting matter, which shall exude a small amount of water. The operator can then adjust the amount of water to be added indicated in Table 3 on the basis of this direct check. Mixing of the composting matter can be performed with a laboratory spatula or a common spoon. This operation shall be carried out carefully, paying attention not to damage the pieces of test material in the composting matter. The purpose of mixing is to aerate the mass and remix the water, but it is important to avoid any mechanical degradation of the pieces of test material.BS EN ISO 20200 pdf download.

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