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BS EN 12020-1 pdf free download

BS EN 12020-1 pdf free download.Aluminium and aluminium alloys一 Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063  一 Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery.
4.2 Reference to a drawing
On the basis of the order documentation submitted, the manufacturer shall prepare drawings which are to be checked by the purchaser for accuracy and approved, the profiles then being manufactured in strict accordance with the approved drawing.
If for dimensions critical to function tolerances other than those specified in this standard are to be used, they shall be entered in the drawing adjacent to the associated nominal size. This also applies to the tolerances on form.
Where profiles are intended for later assembly, it is recommended that the manufacturer is provided with a drawing giving appropriate details.
Where for manufacturing reasons seams are to be located on visible surfaces, their position shall be indicated by the manufacturer on the drawing.
Visible surfaces shall be identified, indicating main and, if necessary, secondary order visible surfaces.
For profiles to be surface treated, surfaces and areas that are to be so treated is indicated on the drawing.
If the outline of a profile is modified by machining, it is recommended that the final shape is indicated.
5 Requirements
5.1 Production and manufacturing processes
Unless otherwise specified in the order, the production and manufacturing processes shall be left to the discretion of the producer. Unless it is explicitly stated in the order, no obligation shall be placed on the producer to use the same processes for subsequent or similar orders.
5.2 Quality control
The supplier shall be responsible for the performance of all inspection and tests required by the relevant European Standard and/or the particular specification prior to shipment of the product. If the purchaser wishes to inspect the product at the supplier’s works, he shall notify the supplier at the time of placing the order.
5.3 Chemical composition
The chemical composition shall comply with the requirements of EN 573-3.
If the purchaser requires special limits for elements not specified in the above standard, these limits shall be
stated on the order and after agreement between purchaser and suppher.
5.4 MechanIcal properties
The mechanical properties shall comply with the requirements of EN 755-2 or those agreed between purchaser and supplier and stated on the order.
Hardness testing may be used for release purposes subject to agreement between purchaser and supplier.
5.5 Freedom from surface defects
The extruded surface shall be free from defects prejudicial to its suitable and proper use. Slight scoring and other minor defects are permissible providing that an R1 of 9 sn and Ra of 3 n are not exceeded. Any discoloration or minor blemishes that are likely to be eliminated by the intended pretreatment for anodizing or by painting shall be permitted (see annex A).
NOTE The definitions given in annex A can differ from those specified in EN 12373-1 11].
5.6 Tolerances on dimensions and form
Tolerances on dimensions and form shall be as specified in EN 12020-2.
6 Test procedures
6.1 Sampling
6.1.1 Chemical analysis
The specimens for chemical analysis shall be taken at the time of casting. Their shape and conditions of production (mould design, cooling rate, mass, etc.) shall be so designed that their composition is homogeneous and appropriate to the method of analysis.
6.1.2 MechanIcal properties
Specimens shall be taken from each sample according to EN 755-1.
If required, test pieces for tensile testing shall be prepared according to EN 755-1.
6.2 Test methods
6.2.1 Chemical composition
Methods of analysis shall be at the discretion of the supplier. In case of dispute concerning the chemical composition, referee analysis shall be carried out by methods subject to agreement between purchaser and supplier. The results obtained shall be accepted by both parties.
6.2.2 Hardness testing
Hardness tests should be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 6506-1. Alternative hardness methods may be used subject to agreement between purchaser and supplier (e.g. Webster testing).BS EN 12020-1  pdf download.

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