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BS EN 15199-1 pdf free download

BS EN 15199-1 pdf free download.Petroleum products一- Determination of boiling range distribution by gas chromatography method.
4 Principle
A test portion is introduced into a gas chromatographic column, which separates hydrocarbons in the order of increasing boiling point. The column temperature is raised at a linear reproducible rate and the area under the chromatogram is recorded throughout the analysis. Boiling points are assigned to the time-axis from a calibration curve obtained by running a mixture of known n-alkanes, covering the sample boiling range, under the same conditions. From these data, the boiling range distribution is obtained.
Several SIMDIS methods are standardized test methods and each one is dedicated to a certain boiling point range or product.
EN ISO 3924 [1] is limited to products having an initial boiling point greater than 55 °C, a final boiling point lower than 538 °C and having a vapour pressure sufficiently low to permit sampling at ambient temperature.
EN 15 199-2 is applicable to materials with initial boiling points (IBP) above 100 °C and final boiling points (FBP) above 750 °C, for example, heavy distillate fuels and residuals. The method is not applicable to bituminous samples.
EN 15199-3 is applicable to crude oils. The boiling range distribution and recovery (3.8) up to C100 or C,20 can be determined.
5 Reagents and materials
Unless otherwise stated, only chemicals of recognized analytical quality shall be used.
5.1 Carrier gas, helium, of at least 99999 % (V/V) purity. Any oxygen present is removed by a chemical resin filter.
WARNING — Follow the safety instructions from the filter supplier.
5.2 Hydrogen, grade suitable for flame ionization detectors.
5.3 Compressed air, suitable for flame ionization detectors.
5.4 Alkanes, n-alkanes of at least 98 % (rn/rn) purity from C5 to C10, C12, C14, C16, C18, C20, C24 and C28.
NOTE The calibration mixture from EN ISO 3924 [1J is also suitable.
5.5 Polywax 655® or 1000®
5.6 Carbon disulfide, (CS2) purity 99,7 % (V/li) minimum.
WARNING — Extremely flammable and toxic by inhalation.
Cyclohexane (C6H12)-(>99 % pure) can be used in place of CS2 for the preparation of the calibration mixture. However, the precision of this method is based on calibration mixtures, reference material and samples prepared with CS2 only. 5.7 Calibration mixture Dissolve 0,1 g of Polywax (5.5) in 7 ml CS2 (5.6), warming gently if necessary. Prepare an equal volume mixture of alkanes (5.4) and add 10 ul to the Polywax solution. NOTE 1 Commercially available alkane standards are suitable for column performance checks. NOTE 2 The calibration mix is used to determine the column resolution, skewness of the C20 peak, and retention time versus boiling point calibration curve. 5.8 Reference materials 5.8.1 A reference material has two functions: -External Standard: to determine the recovery of samples by comparing the total sample area (3.6) of the reference material with the total sample area (3.5) of the unknown sample; 一 Boiling Point Distribution Standard: to check the proper functioning of the system by comparing the results with a known boiling point distribution on a routine basis. A typical example is given in (5.8.2). 5.8.2 Reference Material 5010, a reference sample that has been analysed by laboratories participating in the test method cooperative study. Consensus values for the boiling range distribution of this sample are given in Table 1. BS EN 15199-1 pdf download.

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