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BS EN 17323 pdf free download

BS EN 17323 pdf free download. Geosynthetics – Determination of tensile properties of Polymeric Geosynthetic Barriers.
5 Apparatus 5.1 Testing machine Tensile testing machine (constant rate of extension) complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 1 or better, in which the rate of increase in specimen length is uniform with time, fitted with a set of clamps or jaws which are sufficiently wide to hold the entire width of the specimen and equipped with appropriate means to limit slippage or damage. 5.2 Extensometer (where required) Capable of measuring the distance between gauge marks on the specimen without any damage to the specimen or slippage, ensuring that the measurement represents the true movement of the gauge marks. Example: mechanical, optical, infrared or other types. All with an electrical output. The extensometer shall be capable of measuring to an accuracy of士2 % of the indicated reading. If any irregularity of the stress/strain (elongation) curve due to the extensometer is observed, this result shall be discarded and another specimen shall be tested. 6 Test specimens 6.1 Preparation of test specimens Prepare the test specimens over the full roll width and in accordance with EN ISO 9862. The test specimens shall be punched so that the edges are smooth and free from notches: examination with a low-power magnifier is recommended to check the absence of notches. Punch dies shall be kept sharp by regular honing, and a suitable backing material shall be used with punch dies to ensure a clean-cut edge. A set of test specimens (machine and cross machine direction) with a mesh or fabric internal layer, backing or laminated reinforcement shall have the same number of threads. Cutting of threads should be avoided. The test specimens shown in Figures 1, 2 and 4 shall be obtained by the use of punch dies. 6.2 Number of test specimens Prepare a minimum of five test specimens in both the machine and cross-machine directions. 6.3 Dimensions of test specimens 6.3.1 Method A Prepare test specimens in accordance with Figure 1.7 Conditioning The test specimens shall be conditioned for at least 16 h, prior to testing and tested in a standard atmosphere of [23土2) °C and (50土10] % relative humidity. 8 Procedure – Method A Measure the width of the narrow portion of the dumbbell, e.g. using a calliper, to an accuracy of 0,03 mm. Measure the thickness of the specimen at one end of the specimen in accordance with EN ISO 9863-1. In case of a profiled GBR-P determine the effective thickness deff of the GBR-P according to EN 1849-2. Use the measured width and thickness to calculate the cross-sectional area of the test specimen. Place the test specimen in the grips, set 80 mm (土2 mm) apart, taking care to align the longitudinal axis of the test specimen with the axis of the testing machine. Tighten the grips evenly and firmly to avoid slippage of the test specimen. Gripping pressure shall not cause fracture of the test specimen. Position the extensometer at gauge length (25 mm). Set the speed of testing at a rate of 100 mm/min and with a maximum preload of 5 N record the load- extension curve of the specimen. FPO and PVC geomembranes must be preloaded by a force of 2 N and EPDM geomembranes must be preloaded by a forceof1 N. 9 Procedure – – Method B Measure the width of the narrow portion of the dumbbell, e.g. using a calliper, to an accuracy of 0,03 mm. Measure the thickness of the specimen at one end of the specimen in accordance with EN ISO 9863-1. BS EN 17323  pdf download.

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