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BS EN 4855-04 pdf free download

BS EN 4855-04 pdf free download.Aerospace series – ECO efficiency of catering equipment.
2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 4855-01, Aerospace series一ECO fficiency of catering equipment一Part 1: General conditions1 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: – ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp -IEC Electropedia: available at http:/ /www.electropedia.org/ 3.1 catering equipment equipment installed in an aircraft to provide or support food or beverage service Note 1 to entry: Includes ovens, beverage makers, water heaters and chlling equipment. 3.2 beverage maker products overall designation for coffee and tea makers (beverage makers) and water boilers (water heaters) 3.2.1 beverage maker equipment used in commercial aircraft to prepare coffee and tea Note 1 to entry: Some beverage makers are equipped with an extra function of tapping hot water. 3.2.2 water heater equipment used to boil and tap hot water 3.3 electrical energy consumption measured apparent power integrated over a period of time 3.4 energy consumption index ECI aspect of sustainbility of catering equipment regarding the energy consumption and performance during aircraft operation Note 1 to entry: ECO efficiency in this context does not consider the whole life cycle assessment of catering equipment. 3.5 performance index PI index (dimensionless) describing cycle time of EUT related to the cycle time of a reference 3.6 steady state power-on condition with stable water temperature inside of the equipment without a start-up nor brew cycle nor tapping 3.7 stand-by power-on condition with no heating of water inside of the equipment without a start-up nor brew cycle nor tapping 3.8 cycle time duration of tapping at least 4,5 I of water/coffee  4 Symbols and abbreviations ECI Energy consumption index EUT Equipment under test N/A Not applicable PI Performance index PN Part number SN Serial number 5 General test conditions 5.1 Measurement and calculation The measurements and calculations shall be done as follows: a) measurement of electrical power; b] measurement of steady state power/stand-by power; c] measurement of the cycle time; d) weight measurement; e) calculation of ECI and PI.5.2 Environmental conditions Environmental conditions shall be according to EN 4855-01. 5.3 Power supply and voltage Power supply and voltage shall be according to EN 4855-01. 5.4 Measurement equipment Measurement equipment shall be according to EN 4855-01. 5.5 Test set up Test set up shall be according to EN 4855-01. 5.6 Test medium The test medium for all tests is potable water. The following conditions shall be applied to the test medium: water shall have a temperature of(10士1) °C; the water pressure shall be (25土2) psi (1,72士0,14) bar. 5.7 General conditions for weight measurement General conditions for weight measurement shall be according to EN 4855-01. 6 Test procedures 6.1 General The purpose of this test is to measure the power demand of beverage maker products and the cycle time. The test is split into two parts: a) power measurement during one cycle of brewing (beverage maker) or tapping hot water (water heaters); b) steady state/stand-by power measurement. 6.2 Energy consumption test Two tests have to be performed consecutively described as follows: a] All environmental conditions have to be ensured during the whole test procedures. b) A warming plate, if available, shall be turned off. c] Before start of each test the EUT has to be installed as instructed in the manual and tanks, if available, shall be filled with water. d) The measurement equipment has to be installed. The logging has to be started before start of the test.BS EN 4855-04 pdf download.

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