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DIN EN 16203 pdf free download

DIN EN 16203 pdf free download.Safety of Industrial Trucks – Dynamic tests for verification of lateral stability – Counterbalanced Trucks.
4 Test equipment 4.1 Test area The test area shall be a flat and smooth area with a hard, clean and dry surface made of concrete, asphalt or equivalent. The lanes shall have no more than 2 % slope in any direction of travel and the slip friction coefficient μ of tyres and surface shall be between 6 . 0 = µ and 8 . 0 = µ . The slip friction coefficient can be measured as described in Annex B. The slip friction coefficient may change by environmental influences (temperature, moisture, intermediary medium) as well as by type and wear condition of tyres and road surface. Therefore, a friction measurement shall be carried out before each test series. The area shall be clear of all loose chippings, sand or anything similar. The test track shall consist of two perpendicular crossing lanes (see Figure 1). The lanes are defined by lines 1 to 8, of which at least lines 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 shall be continuously marked on the ground (e.g. by painted lines, adhesive tape, non-fixed wooden lathes, ropes or chains, etc.). The defining lines shall be marked so they are clearly visible to the operator whilst driving. Whilst the preferred test track will have a shape similar to those of Figure 1, alternative test tracks in accordance with Annex A may be used.
4.2 Test set-up and test equipment An appropriate sensor shall be used to measure the travel velocity during the test or, at least, when the forklift truck crosses line 1 (velocity sensor, velocity barrier, etc.). Additional appropriate measures shall be used to verify that the accelerator pedal is fully pressed while driving between line 1 and line 6 or line 7 (e.g. contact sensor under the accelerator pedal). Furthermore, appropriate sensors, a video camera or human observers are necessary to detect whether the test is valid. 4.3 Protective equipment and precautions To enable tests with minimal risk to the driver the truck shall be fitted with: a) an operator restraint system, preferably a seat belt, which maintains the driver safety; b) outrigger type stabilizers as protective equipment to prevent the truck tip-over: 1) The test truck shall be equipped with stabilizers on both sides of the truck. 2) The clearance between the stabilizers and the ground shall be such that tip-over of the vehicle is prevented but a rear wheel lift-off is still possible. For trucks with articulating steer axles, full articulation shall be possible before the stabilizers make contact with the ground.5 Test truck The truck to be tested shall be in a safe and functional state. All equipment attached shall be in accordance to the specification of the manufacturer of the truck. If the test is to be performed on a sample that is representative for a range of trucks, the test shall be carried out on the truck with the most disadvantageous stability values. The fuel tanks of internal combustion engine trucks shall be filled if stability is thereby decreased. All other tanks shall be filled to their correct operating levels, as applicable. The test truck shall be fitted with new tyres (max. 10 % of tread wear) which shall comply with the specifications of the manufacturer of the truck. Pneumatic tyres shall be inflated to their correct pressure specified by the truck manufacturer. 6 Requirements 6.1 General − Dynamic lateral stability The dynamic lateral stability shall be verified by testing as defined in this standard. Simulation as calculations, computer modelling or other equivalent simulating methods may be used, provided that the results are validated by testing as defined in this standard.DIN EN 16203 pdf download.

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