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BS EN 16973 pdf free download

BS EN 16973 pdf free download.Road vehicles for combined transport – Semitrailer – Vertical transhipment.
For the purposes ofthis document , the following terms and definitions 3.1 grappler pocket position for verticallifting of the semi-trail er 3.2 pocket wagon railway wagon with recessed pocket to accept the axl ejwheel assembly of a semi-trailer and to remain within the loading (clearance) gauge 3.3 swept envelope maximum space provided by a semi-trailer – empty and loaded – in the pocket wagon in the stipulated Ioading posit io n and m ay n ot be exceeded 3.4 vertical transhipment Ii fting an d moving the semi-t ra il er in vertical direction General requirements 4 Swept envelope 4.1 The swept envelope for the semi-trailer already contains the necessary clearances needed between the structura l components of the pocket wagon and the structura l components of a semi-trailer for damage-free trans hipment and transport. The lower part of the swept envelope is deter mined by the wagon design and th e upper par t of the swept en ve lope by the ra il way trac k pro fiI e (height). Semi-trailers in accordance with this European Standard may not exceed the lower swept envelope in accordance with in the st ip ul ated Ioading posit io n on the pock et wagon when the maximum Ioad is p re sent wi th the ai r susp ension in Iowest position. In respect of maintaining the lower swept envelope , the fo ll owing points apply: vehicle components may be movable and shall be secured to ensure that these parts do not swing out or fall out during the journey and the transhipment;evidence of this shall be provided in the form of a drawin g. The swept envelope boundary above the pocket wagon should be checked in accordance with the sel ected track profile as pe r UIC 596-6. 4.2 T he king pin measures 2 inches and has a standard D-value of at least 162 kN. It also complies with Directive 94/20/EC:2014 of the European Parliament and the European Counci l. Force- steere d t ra il ers with a steering wedge (in accordance with UN/ECE Regulation No. 55) may only be loaded onto compatible wagons ( cJ earance for steering wedge). 3 Air suspension 4.3 The semi-trailers shall be equipp ed with air suspension. T he axle assembly shall be suitable for ve rt ical tra nshipm ent ofthe semi-tra il er. The tra nsh ipme nt operat ions and th e t ra nspo rt shall be per formed wi th a ir su spens ion in l owes t pos ition and w ith the brake di se n gage d.4.4.2 The se mi-t ra il er ev enl y l oaded to 1 , 25 R (R = perm i ss ible t otal we ight o ft he se mi -tra il er) sha ll be li fted up by means of its grappler pockets for at least 5 min. After the t est , the sem i- trailer shall not exh i bit any permanent deformations or other changes wh i ch would make it impossible to use it in accordance with regulations; the dimensions required for h andling , securi ng and trans h ipment shall be maintained. Alternatively , this evidence can be provided by means of an FE M calculation. The method of calculation sha ll be verified by practical tests. Structural strength ofthe semi-trailer 4.5 For operational req u irements for se m i-trailers sui table for vertica l tra n shipment see UIC 596-5. Marking 5 Semi – trailers in accordance with this European Standard shall be labelled in line with EN 13044-3 and 596-6. BS EN 16973  pdf download.

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