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BS EN 16810 pdf free download

BS EN 16810 pdf free download.Resilient , textile and laminate floor coverings – Environmental product declarations – Product category rules.
5 Generalaspects 5.1 Objectives ofproduct categorization rules BS EN 16810 : 2017 EN 16810:2017 (E) An EPD according to th is st an dard provides qu antified env iron mental information on a harmonized and scientific basis. The purpose of an E PD for floor coverings in the construction sector is to provide the basis f or assessing buildings and o ther con st ruc tion works , and those , which cause less stress to the en vironmen t. Thus the objectives of a PCR for fl oor coverings are to ensure: the provision of verifiable and consi stent data for an EPD , based on LCA; the provision of verifiable and consi ste nt product related tech nical data andjor scenarios for the assess m ent of the envi ro nm en tal performance of buildings; the provision of verifiable and cons ist ent product related tech nical data an djo r scenar ios poten ti ally related to the health of u sers for the assessment of the performance of buildings; that comparisons b etween floor coverings are carried out in the context of their application in the bu ildin g; the communicat ion of the environmental information of floor coverings from bus in ess to consumer; Declarations based on this standa rd are not comparative ass ertions. NOTE See EN 15804:2012+A1:2013 , Clause 3.4 and I SO 14044:2006 , Clause 5.1 for more information concerning L CA used for comparative assertion.5.2 EPD with respect to Ii fe cycle stages covered The LCA b ase d info rmati on in a bu si ness to consumer EP D shall cover the li fe cycle of a product acc ord ing to the system boundary (see 6.3 .5). For the produc ts in this standard the EPD cov ers the pr odu ct stage , installation into the building , the use stage (cleaning and maintenance) a nd the end-o f- life and is said to be ‘cradle to grave’ and becomes an EPD of con st ru ction p ro du cts based on a LC A, i. e. covering all inform ation modules A1 to A5 , 82 , C1 to C4 and D. (see Table 1 , the grey shaded stages d on ‘t apply for floor coverings) Fl oor covering d uring its li fe time in the use stage h as no env ironm enta l aspects and impacts during the ir normal (i. e. anticipated) use an d is neither repaired , replaced or refurb ished (other than at the end oflife). As a result , floor coverings are not contributing to mod ules 81 and 83 to 87 which are set to be zero Mo dule 82 is including provision of cleaning age nt , en ergy and water c onsumpt ion for the cleaning of the floor covering inc l. wastewater treatmen t. The service lifetime of a f1 00r covering for a certain application on a f1 00r is too widespread to give one common numb er. For this EPD model the reference service lifetime (RSL) is set to one year (see An nex 8). This mean s that all impacts for the u se phase are b ased clean i ng and mainte n ance model for one year (see T ab le 1). Depending on the area of use based on EN I SO 10874 , the technicallifetime advised by the manufactur er and the estimated time on the floor by the customer , th e service lifetime could be determined. The u se pha se imp acts should be calculated with the foreseen service life to arrive at the total environmental impac t. NOTE Information modules can supply technical information and scenarios for processes for which there is no EPD available , e.g. a c1 eaning process. BS EN 16810 pdf download.

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