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BS EN 16902 pdf free download

BS EN 16902 pdf free download. Commercial beverage coolers — Classification, requirements and test conditions.
3.4.2 normal conditions of use operating conditions which exist when the commercial beverage cooler, including all permanently located accessories, has been set up and situated in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and is in service Note 1 to entry: The effects of actions by non-technical personnel for purposes of loading, unloading, cleaning, defrosting, the manipulation of accessible controls and of any removable accessories etc., according to the manufacturer’s instructions are within this definition. The effects of actions resulting from interventions by technical personnel for the purposes of maintenance or repair are outside this definition. 3.4.3 energy management device EMD electronic device that automatically controls the refrigeration system and/or other key components of the commercial beverage cooler during the stand-by mode EXAMPLE Lights, fans. 3.4.4 stand-by mode state in which commercial beverage cooler’s lighting, refrigeration and/or other energy-using systems are automatically adjusted such that they consume less energy than they consume in an active mode Note 1 to entry: In the case of commercial beverage coolers, equipped with an EMD and with night cover built in, or night lid built in, the EMD stand-by mode is activated manually when the night curtain or night lid is down. Note 2 to entry: In the case of commercial beverage coolers, equipped only with night cover built- in, or night lid built-in for the energy consumption test refer to 6.3.8. 3.4.5 active mode state in which the commercial beverage coolers are in the average temperature defined for the product class, also lighting and/or other energy-using systems are on 3.4.6 EMD product average temperature temperature that allows the commercial beverage cooler, that has been in stand-by mode for 12 h, to recover the average product temperature defined for each product temperature class in a recovery time less than 4 h 3.4.7 half reload capability of the beverage cooler to lower all product temperatures within a specified time after half of the products are removed and reloaded with product at ambient temperature 3.4.8 defrosting removal of frost, snow and ice from a commercial beverage cooler 3.4.9 automatic defrosting defrosting where no action is necessary by the user to initiate the removal of frost accumulation and to restore normal operation Note 1 to entry: It includes automatic removal of defrost water. 3.4.10 semi-automatic defrosting defrosting where an action is necessary by the user to initiate the removal of frost accumulation and normal operation is restored automatically Note 1 to entry: It either includes automatic removal of defrost water of entails manual removal of defrost water. 3.4.11 defrost water removal process through which defrost water is removed from a commercial beverage cooler 3.4.12 automatic removal of defrost water removal and/or evaporation of defrost water that does not require any action by the user 3.4.13 manual removal of defrost water removal of defrost water that requires an action by the user 3.4.14 total energy consumption TEC total energy consumption in kilowatt hours per 24 h 3.4.15 specific energy consumption SEC specific energy consumption for commercial beverage cooler expressed in kilowatt per 24 h per m 3 (TEC/Veq) 3.5 Definition related to test environment 3.5.1 M-cans test cans used to simulate the product during tests, fitted with a temperature measuring device 3.5.2 climate class classification of the test room climate according to the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity 3.5.3 M-cans temperature class classification of test temperature according to temperatures of warmest and coldest M-cans during the temperature test.BS EN 16902 pdf download.

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