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BS EN 1429 pdf free download

BS EN 1429 pdf free download.Methods of test for petroleum and its products – BS 2000-91: Bitumen and bituminous binders .
4 Principle A known mass of bitumen emulsion is filtered through either a prepared sieve with a mesh size of 0,500 mm or through two prepared sieves with mesh sizes of 0,500 mm and of 0,160 mm. The amount of binder retained on the sieves is weighed after washing and drying. Storage stability is determined as the amount of binder retained on the sieve with a mesh size of 0,500 mm after a defined storage period (n days). 5 Reagents and materials Use only reagents of recognized analytical grade and water conforming to grade 3 of EN ISO 3696. NOTE: The aqueous solutions (5.1) and (5.2) can be replaced by aqueous phases of the same ionic structure as the emulsion under test. 5.1 Solution Sa An aqueous solution containing I % (rn/rn) of sodium laurylsulfate or, if this is unavailable, an aqueous solution containing I % (rn/rn) of sodium oleate. I % (rn/rn) of sodium hydroxide shall be added to the solution. This solution shall be used for testing anionic emulsions. NOTE: Solution Sa can be prepared using potassium laurylsulfate or potassium oleate, and potassium hydroxide in place of the sodium salts. 5.2 Solution S An aqueous solution containing I % (rn/rn) of alkyltrimethylammonium chloride or I % (rn/rn) of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide or, if these are unavailable, I % (rn/rn) of a fatty amine hydrochloride. I % (rn/rn) of I mol/l hydrochloric acid shall be added to the solution. This solution shall be used for testing cationic emulsions. 5.3 Xylene, conforming to ISO 5280. 5.4 Ethanol, 99 % minimum. 6 Apparatus Usual laboratory apparatus and glassware, together with the following. 6.1 Sieve, (see ISO 565), stainless steel or brass, with a frame diameter of 75 mm ± 1 mm and a mesh size of 0,500 mm. 6.2 Sieve, (see ISO 565), stainless steel or brass, with a frame diameter of 75 mm ± 1 mm and a mesh size of 0,160mm (optional according to specification requirements). 6.3 Sieve pans, of corresponding diameter. 6.4 Balance, of sufficient capacity, accurate to 0,1 g.
8.1.10 Remove the bottle containing the filtered emulsion, and stopper it. NOTE: The emulsion filtered in this way will be used to carry out the second part of the test (see 8.2) and to carry out all other tests on the emulsion. 8.1.11 Place the sieve on a funnel which is mounted over a 250 ml conical flask (6.7). Wash the residue on the sieve with solution Sa or Sc until the washings run clear. Finally wash with water (5). 8.1.12 Drain the sieve thoroughly and place it on the sieve pan. Dry in the oven (6.10) for at least 2 h and then cool in the desiccator (6.11) for about 30 min. 8.1.13 Weigh the sieve with its sieve pan and residue and record the mass, m2, to the nearest 0,001 g. . 8.2 Particles between 0,500 mm and 0,160 mm NOTE: This part is optional according to specification requirements. 8.2.1 Wash the 0, 160 mm sieve (6.2) in xylene (5.3) and then in ethanol (5.4). 8.2.2 Place the sieve on the sieve pan (6.3) and dry in the oven (6. 10) for not less than one hour.8.2.3 After drying, allow to cool in the desiccator (6.11). 8.2.4 Weigh the sieve and the sieve pan together. Record the mass, m3, to the nearest 0,001 g. 8.2.5 Wet the sieve cloth with solution Sa or Sc as appropriate. 8.2.6 Drain it thoroughly and place it on a funnel which is mounted over a 250 ml conical flask (6.7). 8.2.7 Shake the bottle containing the emulsion that was filtered through the 0,500 mm sieve (see 8.1.10).  BS EN 1429 pdf download.

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