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BS EN 46-1 pdf free download

BS EN 46-1 pdf free download. Wood preservatives — Determination of the preventive action against recently hatched larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) Part 1 : Application by surface treatment (laboratory method).
4 Principle Depending on the test being carried out either: — on a set of test specimens of a susceptible wood species that is surface treated with a solution of the preservative; or — if toxic values are to be determined, on several sets of test specimens of a susceptible wood species that are surface treated with a series of solutions in which the concentration of preservative is ranged in a given progression. The treated test specimens are exposed to recently hatched larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus. The resulting attack is observed and compared with those in untreated control test specimens. If the preservative has been prepared in the laboratory by dilution of a concentrate or by dissolution of a solid, the resulting attack is also compared to that in solvent or diluent treated control test specimens. 5 Test materials 5.1 Biological material 5.1.1 Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) larvae, within three days of hatching. 5.1.2 Source of larvae. Obtain the larvae from cultures reared, e.g. as described in Annex B. 5.1.3 Provision of larvae. Collect larvae from eggs laid by different females. 5.1.4 Choice of larvae. Use a mixed batch of these larvae for the test. Use ten larvae per treated test specimen or control test specimen. 5.2 Products and reagents 5.2.1 Paraffin wax, for fixing the glass plate and for sealing the end faces of test specimens to be treated with solutions in all cases in which water is the continuous phase. NOTE Paraffin wax with a setting point of 52 °C to 54 °C has been found to be suitable. 5.2.2 Gelatin, for sealing the end faces of test specimens to be treated with solutions in which an organic solvent is the continuous phase. 5.2.3 Water, complying with grade 3 of EN ISO 3696. 5.2.4 Solvent or diluent, a volatile liquid that will dissolve or dilute the preservative but does not leave a residue in the wood at the end of the post-treatment conditioning period that has a toxic effect on the insects. CAUTION — Do not use benzene or other solvents which pose a health risk. 5.3 Apparatus 5.3.1 Culturing chamber, with air circulation, and controlled at (28 ± 2) °C and at a relative humidity of (70 ± 5) %. 5.3.2 Conditioning chamber, well ventilated and controlled at (20 ± 2) °C and at a relative humidity of (65 ± 5) %. The conditioning of test specimens may be carried out in the laboratory work area (see 5.3.3) provided that this has the conditions specified for the conditioning chamber (see 5.3.2). 5.3.3 Laboratory work area, well ventilated, where treatment of the test specimens is carried out. CAUTION — It is essential to follow safety procedures for handling flammable and toxic materials. Avoid excessive exposure of operators to solvents or their vapours. 5.3.4 Testing chamber, ventilated and air conditioned, controlled at (22 ± 2) °C and at a relative humidity of (70 ± 5) %. 5.3.5 Treatment vessels of a material that does not react with the preservative under test, for example of glass for organic products and of polyethylene for salts containing fluorine. 5.3.6 Weights, to provide ballast for the test specimens. The weights shall not react with any materials with which they come into contact during the test. 5.3.7 Safety equipment and protective clothing, appropriate for the test product and the test solvent, to ensure the safety of the operator. 5.3.8 Glass plates, (48 ± 1) mm long and (25 ± 1) mm wide, intended to provide a lateral slit on the test specimens. 5.3.9 Ordinary laboratory equipment, including a balance capable of weighing to an accuracy of 0,01 g.BS EN 46-1 pdf download.

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